I still remember my brother
Selling me like I we didn’t know one another
I was yelled at like a dog, beat like a slave
You heard my screams but no one heard my pain
Only one stood up to speak up but everyone else settles down
They look at my scars like it was normal without a frown
With no concern on why I was treated as such, all cause I was born as such My voice isn’t heard as such, I don’t know why people ignore me so much Look at me, I’m a innocent young lady, a little help can’t you see?
But you turn the blind eye when it doesn’t involve you how cowardly of a man to be I’m a woman who takes beating harder than any man who went into the battlefield I am stronger But since I’m also a woman nobody realizes that and takes my strength brushes it off after I hope one day I have a daughter to prove men wrong and prove us right We fight harder than the wars they fight
We fight for what is right, no matter how dark we still see the end where there is light Whether or not it isn’t near or far we run till we will be recognized for our will power Even more willpower than any men including all my brothers
I see what woman go through but some brush it off cause extremist speak louder than you do The delusional extremist who harm men more than help women
Some women make progress others turned into memes
Some just don’t get heard others don’t get seen
Some just look stupid some are a whole lot smarter than me
Most had struggles that were way different that I really now see
I believe in equal rights I believe woman’s voices
But some of you harass us left us with no choices
I know it’s not all of you but those extremists are louder than you are
So use your powerful voice scream louder and march far
Because I believe women are misunderstood in this society
Cause us men focus more on the memes than the real problems that we never see I’m being totally honest this is off my head so you know it’s me talking
If people doubt it then they never knew who I was to begin with their brains lacking But while I got off topic I just wanted to say one more thing
Respect all women but stop paying attention to just the memes