Lawrence Yang
RCT to reduce stigma and improve treatment adherence in HIV+ pregnant women in Botswana (7/1/18- 6/30/20)
Principal Investigator: Lawrence Yang; Co-I: Melody Goodman
Funder: R21 TW011084-01, 2017-2020
This proposal utilizes the ‘what matters most’ approach to develop a culture-specific intervention to decrease the stigma of HIV and enhance adherence to antiretroviral treatment among pregnant, HIV+ women in Botswana.
Whether this project is seeking new students: YES
Implementing a National Program for First-Episode Psychosis Intervention in Chile (6/1/18- 5/31/23)
Principal Investigator: Ruben Alvarado, Lisa Dixon, Ezra Susser, Leo Cabassa; Co-Investigator: Lawrence Yang
Researchers: Supriya Misa, PhuongThao (PT Le), Liz Calderon
Grant: U01 MH115502-01, National Institutes of Mental Health, 2018-2023
This proposal examines the implementation of a 1st episode psychosis intervention in 4 cities in Chile using a cluster-randomized clinical trial design and leverages national health reform in Chile that mandates new forms of community-based mental health care. Dr. Yang will lead the evaluation team that will examine barriers and facilitators to the scale-up of intervention.
Whether this project is seeking new students: YES (Spanish speaking)
Reducing Serious Mental Illness and Suicide Stigma Among Medical Students (6/1/20- 5/31/23)
Principal Investigator: Alexis V Rivera; Co-investigator: Lawrence Yang
Grant: 1R34MH117942-01 (pending) 2020-2023
This proposal assesses a culturally-specific stigma intervention that seeks to address suicide-related stigma among medical students with a focus on Latino populations.
Whether this project is seeking new students: NO