Emily Goldmann

New marijuana products: Implications for sexual effects and sexual risk behavior

Principal Investigator: Emily Goldmann

Researchers: Danielle Ompad, Melody Goodman, Daniel Hagen, Simon Sandh

Funder: Pilot grant funded by the Center for Drug Use and HIV/HCV Research (CDUHR) Pilot Projects and Mentoring Core ($5000)

Seeking new students: No

Lawrence Yang

RCT to reduce stigma and improve treatment adherence in HIV+ pregnant women in Botswana (7/1/18- 6/30/20)

Principal Investigator: Lawrence Yang; Co-I: Melody Goodman

Funder: R21 TW011084-01, 2017-2020

This proposal utilizes the ‘what matters most’ approach to develop a culture-specific intervention to decrease the stigma of HIV and enhance adherence to antiretroviral treatment among pregnant, HIV+ women in Botswana.

Whether this project is seeking new students: YES