Travels of In Battuta UCal webpage
Minority Rights Group. World map. Browse countries, territories and world regions to learn about minorities and indigenous communities as well as our work with them.
Rubin last live show — Himalayan Art Now
Images of Imperial Modernity: Pandemics, Global Temperature (NYT 29Dec2023), Health & Wealth: “200 years that changed the world” Original Version, New Version, Global Income Distribution, 2008, 2011 (Our World In Data: Inequality Measures), Top 10 countries in Military Spending since 1870, Global Military Spending 2020, Military Spending Countries 2022 (Visual Capitalist). The impoverishment of the Philippines. (NYTimes)
Indo-European Language Tree from the Guardian.
Jenny Cheng’s Chinese Restaurant Site
200 years that changed the world – — THE NEWER ONLINE VERSION
“Tinderbox, Belt & Road: China in the Balkans” Link: Password: BFNA
The Wall and the Fear: India’s Deadly Border Wall with Bangladesh
“Red is the Blood of the People,” A play by (NYUAD student) Tan Tzy Jiun
First Japanese Buddhist Map of the World Showing Europe, America, and Africa, 1710
Asia’s Circulatory System: Prezi
MMA Heilbrun Timeline of Art History
MMA Heibrun Timeline Essay on Buddhist Art
Port City Workshop Reference Map
Greenwich Village Story Map Model
HISTORY BEYOND — New York Immigrant City
Reading Material for Global Asia Course
SILKROUTES.NET maps page with OBOR
Digital Data Archives Georeferenced historical routes and nodes – Old World
Data Visualization
TRADE ROUTES 11-12th Century FABULOUS EasyZoom Map
Animated Maps
East Asia (Chinese):
East Asia (English):
Asia state territories, year by year, ancient times to present:
GoogleMap: Strategic Sites in Asia’s Circulatory System
Dynamic Graph: Global Flow of People