I did not arrive in Madrid until June 15th. As of now, on June 28th, I am at the beginning of my second week of working at Ecosistema Urbano. Everyone at the office has been super kind and welcoming to me, though it does feel a little strange to be doing my own personal research project while everyone else is working on their architecture projects. My research is intended to supplement a project they are doing in Baranquilla, Colombia, called Ecoparque. This park is being designed with the purpose of having social and ecological benefits for the surrounding communities; it is meant to be a space for social connection, as well as a respite for wildlife. I have been briefed on the project by the other intern, who is a graduate architecture student at Harvard, but I have yet to do any actual work on the project. It sounds like I might eventually get assigned some work on the project, but I am not sure when. It is ok though, because I feel occupied enough with my research and assignments.
In terms of fitting in, it seems that everyone here is at a bit of a different stage of life than me, in the midst of a professional career. I don’t really think it’s an issue though, we are all simply working on our computers in a room together. The working culture of Spain is very different from the US, at least from what I have seen. It is customary at 11:30 am for everyone to sit down and have coffee and cookies together, for about 30 minutes. This is explicitly a time for socializing and chatting, and as opposed to some of the places I have worked in the US, you are not supposed to talk at your desk. Also, we sit down to have lunch together every Wednesday. It is a complete affair, with silverware, placemats and freshly cooked food. Something about the working culture here feels very human, with no one eating or drinking at their desks.
I´m not really sure how I am being perceived here, other than being the college student who is working on her project in the office. I think they are not very sure about what I am doing, but they accept me anyway. I get along pretty well with everyone here, and as I have only been here for a week, I’m sure I will get to know everyone better as time goes on.
I don’t have many anxieties, though I do wonder what will come from this project, and what the end result will be. I want to make something interesting and meaningful, that feels right and flows organically. It feels like the summer is already passing so quickly, so I hope that I have enough time to do it right. The fact that I already have a pretty good grasp on the layout of the city, and what is in all of the central areas, makes me feel more confident about my ability to do my research. I also feel confident in my ability to speak Spanish fluently, and feel that I have a pretty good grasp on Spanish culture in general.
I think picking a few specific public spaces, spending time there in the evenings and nights, and taking notes will give me a good starting point for this project. I have the general idea of my research, which was only formed since I´ve been here, and is continuing to become clearer to me. Overall, I am very excited to be starting my research, and to see it begin to take shape.
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