
Hi! I am a first-year master’s student at NYU Gallatin working with Prof. Madalina Vlasceanu in the Collective Cognition Lab at the Psychology Department. Here is my CV.

My research asks:

    • How do people’s attitude and emotion synchronize and polarize at group-level, especially in online context?
    • Why people are becoming increasingly extreme online and how such extremism will affect us?
    • What new insights can we gain by combining methods from computational social science, computational cognitive modelling and neuroscience with research in social psychology?

Publications, Papers & Presentations

    • Ma, J., Zeng, Z., & Fang, K. (2022). Emotionally Savvy Employees Fail to Enact Emotional Intelligence When Ostracized. Personality and Individual Differences, 185.
    • Fang, K. & Wang, Y.X. (2022). The More You Think, the More Proactive You Will Be? Investigating the Reciprocal Effect Between Work-Related Rumination and Job Crafting. [Manuscript In Preparation]. School of Management, Lanzhou University.
    • Fang, K. (October, 2020). How Does Multitasking Influence Employee’s Performance and Well-Being: The Role of Cognitive Appraisals and Time Management Skills. Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of Lanzhou University, Gansu, China.




New York University (Sep. 2022 – Present)

    • Master’s Student
    • Advisor: Prof. Madalina Vlasceanu (Ph.D.) 
    • General Interest: Social Psychology, Computational Social Science; Social Neuroscience
    • Research Topics: Polarization and synchronization in social networks, Role of extremism in group dymanics
    • Scholarships and Awards: Gallatin Master’s Scholarship (USD 10,500 for full-time graduate study); NYU Dean’s Award for Summer Research (2023 Summer; USD2,500 awarded to individual research); Horn Family Fund for Environmental Research (2022-2023; USD1,500 awarded to research relevant to environmental study)
    • Thesis: Overestimating Group Norms: How Online Extremist Speech Fuels Polarization (Ongoing Proposal)


Lanzhou University (Sep. 2018 – Jul. 2022)

    • Bachelor of Management, GPA: 3.67/ 4
    • Thesis: Who is to Blame? Corporate Social Responsibility Information Buffers Investors’ Blame and Reaction towards Negative Earning Surprise (Awarded Excellent Bachelor’s Thesis)
    • Scholarships and Awards: Academic Excellence Scholarship for 2020-2021 (Top 8%), Model Student for 2020-2021 (Top 10%), Award for Outstanding Student Services for 2020-2021 & 2018-2019 (Top 4.5% in Student Service)
  • Research Awards & Fellowships
      • 2023 NYU Gallatin Dean’s Award for Summer Research (Ongoing)
        • Grants: USD 2,500
        • Project Title:  How Online Extremist Speech Amplify Polarization: The Misperceived Group Norm
        • Combining behavioral experiments with agent-based model to investigate how individual-level bias in norm perception could give rise to polarization at collective-level. 
        • Faculty Advisor: Madalina Vlasceanu, Ph.D.
      • 2023-2024 The Horn Family Fund for Environmental Studies (Ongoing)
        • Grants: USD 1,500
        • Project Title: The Impact of Social Norms and Ingroup Loyalty on Climate Beliefs and Polarization in the US
        • Research funding to support projects related to environmentalism, environmental studies for NYU students.
        • Aiming to combine moral-rooted framing and social norm intervention to address political polarization on the climate.
        • Faculty Advisor: Madalina Vlasceanu, Ph.D.
      • 2021-2022 China National College Student Innovation Training Program (No.202110730055)
        • Grants: CNY 7,500
        • Project Title: The More You Think, The More Proactive You Will Be? The Reciprocal Effect Between Work-related Rumination and Job Crafting
        • Awarded for Excellent Research Project of 2022
        • Faculty Advisor: Yanxia Wang, Ph.D.
      • 2021 Lanzhou University Undergraduate Research Training Project
        • Grants: CNY 1,500
        • Project Title: Does After-work ICT Use Promote Performance or Threaten Health? An Experience Sampling Study
        • Faculty Advisor: Yanxia Wang, Ph.D.
      • 2020 Lanzhou University Undergraduate Research Training Project
        • Grants: CNY 1,000
        • Project Title: The Effect of Cultural Distance on the Cross Border Merger and Acquisition Performance Under OBOR – From a Time Perspective
        • Faculty Advisor: Lei Wang, Ph.D.
      • 2018 Lanzhou University Undergraduate Research Training Project
        • Grants: CNY 1,000
        • Project Title: How Does Multitasking Influence Employee’s Performance and Well-Being: The Role of Stress Appraisal and Time Management Skills
        • Faculty Advisor: Jie Ma, Ph.D.
  • Experiences

Collective Cognition Lab

    • Master’s Student (2022-Present)
    • Department of Psychology, New York University
    • Principal investigator: Madalina Vlasceanu, Ph.D.

Occupational Health Psychology Lab

    • Research Assiatant (2018-2022)
    • School of Management, Jinan University
    • Edited manuscripts and drafted three literature reviews with one published on Personality and Individual Differences. Also, reviewed and tracked literature on relevent topics from top social and organization psychology journals.
    • Principal investigator: Jie Ma, Ph.D.

Workplace Mental Health Lab

    • Research Assistant (2019-2022)
    • School of Management, Lanzhou University
    • Assisted in several dairy and longitudinal studies, including preparing and collecting surveys,  performing data cleaning and analysis using R and Mplus
    • Principal investigator: Yanxia Wang, Ph.D.