Designing on table

My Gallatin Story: An Interview with Libby Bass, Gallatin Global Fashion Program Alumni

By Daniela Aizencang

Libby Bass is senior (class of 2024) at NYU Gallatin with a concentration: Fashion in One’s Identity: The Intersection Between Business, Theater, and Fashion. As part of her fall 2022 semester at NYU London she enrolled in the Gallatin Global Fashion Program which covers topics such as the historical evolution of standards of dress, representation of fashion and the body in visual art, literature, film, and mass media, and industrial concerns of design, manufacture, marketing and retailing. Available at NYU London and NYU Florence.

Daniela Aizencang (Graduate Student Assistant of Global Programs): What are you studying here at Gallatin? How did you come to choose this concentration? 

Libby Bass: My concentration is Fashion in One’s Identity: The Intersection between Business, Theater, and Fashion. Dresses

Although I’ve always been interested in fashion, making clothing since I was around 4 years old, I wanted to originally major in acting and theater. After reflecting and being able to instead pursue theater outside of my classes, I looked back into fashion and realized I wanted to study this. The more classes I took, the more this concentration clicked, and the more passionate I’ve become. I want to learn why we wear what we do and understand this through classes in history, politics, philosophy, and more. 

Daniela Aizencang (Graduate Student Assistant of Global Programs): What drew you to apply to the program? 

Libby Bass: Firstly, I went into college knowing that I wanted to travel abroad – it was one of the reasons I chose NYU. I wanted to see new places, connect with classmates, and meet new people. Studying fashion, the London program seemed like the perfect fit. I was especially excited to study under professors from the London College of Fashion – learning from faculty with different backgrounds and perspectives, and taking classes with a more fashion industry-specific focus. 

Daniela Aizencang (Graduate Student Assistant of Global Programs): Tell us a bit about your favorite course, or some of your favorite things from the different courses. 

Libby Bass: Across all of my classes, I loved my professors. They were so lovely, nice, and incredibly smart. 

Thinking about special moments from each class: 

I loved making a garment from start to finish in my History of British Fashion course.

Dress in closet with light


Fashion, Culture, and the Body is still a class that I think about constantly, recognizing how the philosophy of fashion plays into understanding its past, present and future. 

Lastly, we were so lucky to have many special experiences during the Global Fashion Industry course, attending a Fashion Week event with our professor or visiting a studio to learn about AI fashion, we were able to meet people from the industry and learn from their experiences and love for it. 

Daniela Aizencang (Graduate Student Assistant of Global Programs): How has doing this program abroad enriched your college experience and prepared you for life after graduation?

Libby Bass: This program helped me imagine myself as part of this industry. I saw that I’m good at this and have so much I can contribute. It pushed me to pursue fashion fully. 

This program was special to me because of its industry focus. While in London I explored fashion and its industry beyond what is available here at the New York campus. I felt that it added to my education and made me even more passionate about studying fashion. I was even excited to do my assignments, which, while challenging, were always interesting and taught me a lot as I worked through them. I learned and did so much that I didn’t think I would be able to do or be exposed to, and I’ve carried this into my last year of studying my colloquium, and expect to bring it into my work post-grad. 

Daniela Aizencang (Graduate Student Assistant of Global Programs): Lastly, what is one piece of advice you would give someone interested in applying to or participating in this program?

Libby Bass: Talk to your advisor about meeting your concentration requirements, as these classes all count as electives – even for the fashion concentration. You should do this program, but plan accordingly!