One Month In China

Eli Clemens
Gallatin China Summer Fellow 2016

As of today I have been in China for over a month.  Besides traveling to Xi’an for three days, I have stayed put in Shanghai. Because I will also be studying away here next semester, I have not felt much pressure to travel to other parts of China until I have a good sense of Shanghai.

Much of my time has been filled with Chinese class.  Being immersed in a predominantly Mandarin-speaking environment, my idea of what true proficiency in conversational Mandarin will actually take has changed.  This is partly due to the fact that Shanghainese speak with a strong accent – if not an entirely different-from-Mandarin dialect – and few locals speak more than basic English.

As a result I have been more motivated to review old characters, learn new words, watch Chinese TV shows, and most importantly, attempt to speak Mandarin with cab drivers, waiters, or anyone else I happen to start a conversation with.  Having a long, complex conversation without having to constantly think what to say next seems a long way off, but I am much better than I was a month ago, and every new day I spend in China means that – theoretically! – I should be improving.

In my free time, I have mostly been exploring Shanghai. The first week I bought a bike and so I have been biking around and taking pictures pretty often.  I have also been going on a lot of school trips to various sites and museums in Shanghai.  Here are some pictures I’ve taken so far:

Shanghai from the bus from a bridge
Shanghai from the bus from a bridge
Shanghai's oldest neighborhood, older tall buildings in the distance.
Shanghai’s oldest neighborhood
Yu Garden and still pond
Yu Garden
Yu Garden greenery
Yu Garden
Yu Garden rocky area
Yu Garden
Yu Garden dragon statue
Yu Garden
Yu Garden Koi fish in pond with children surrounding
Yu Garden
more koi fish
Yu Garden
rock statues in garden
Yu Garden
home office with desk
Recreation of a typical 1920s Shanghai house
Cat in supermarket
Cat in store
man riding bike on wet pavement
My friend T
Bike stand of orange bikes lined up
Biking around
Tall buildings
Biking around
Highway with cars
Biking around
Canal with houses surrounding
Biking around
Zhujiajiao watertown
Man standing on boat on the water
Zhujiajiao watertown
people waiting at a bus stop
Biking around
tall  building with many air-conditioners
Biking around
tall buildings
terra cotta soldiers
Terracotta warriors
more terra cotta soldiers
Terracotta warriors
more terra cotta soldiers in museum
Terracotta warriors
terra cotta soldiers in museum
Terracotta warriors
terra cotta horses in museum
Terracotta warriors
people looking at terra cotta statues in museum
Terracotta warriors
terra cotta soldier and horse
Terracotta warriors
foggy mountains
two people outside
My friends Eric & Jackie
woman writing in Chinese calligraphy
My friend Ellen
woman sitting outside
My friend Sydney
man biking alongside a street
My friend T
couple in garden near water
My friends Jeffrey & Amelia
Shanghai night skyline
Shanghai by night