
Provost Dopico

Provost Dopico
Interim Provost Dopico

Georgina Dopico
Interim Provost
New York University

Georgina Dopico was named Interim Provost of NYU in May of 2022. She joined the NYU faculty in 2000. As NYU’s Vice Provost for Academic Affairs since 2018, Dr. Dopico worked closely with senior leadership on graduate and undergraduate curricula, research, and academic policies and priorities, both in New York and throughout the global network, as well as on cross-school and University-wide initiatives. She led the Undergraduate Program Committee, the Graduate Program Committee, and the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee and served as an ex-officio member of the Senate Academic Affairs Committee and the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. She also led the University-Wide Ad-Hoc Committee on Course Evaluations and launched NYU Reads. She was also responsible for coordinating the arts and humanities across NYU, and administered the University Professorship and Silver Professorship programs, and the Faculty Fellows in Residence.

Dr. Dopico has served as FAS Dean for Humanities, as Director of Global Curriculum for CAS, as Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and as Director of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. She is Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures. As Dean, with oversight responsibility for nearly 30 departments and programs and some 400 full-time faculty, she launched a number of initiatives, including NYU’s Bennett-Polonsky Humanities Labs, the First Book Colloquium in the Humanities, the introduction of the Community College Transfer Opportunity Program to FAS, the development of Urban Humanities, FAS’s diversity hiring initiative, and faculty and chair mentoring structures.

Her scholarship centers on the literature, history and culture of early-modern Spain. She is the author of Perfect Wives, Other Women: Adultery and Inquisition in Early Modern Spain; Anatomías inestables: cuerpo y política cultural (forthcoming); co-editor of the first edition of a 16th century dictionary published with a comprehensive critical apparatus; and co-editor of two volumes on Cervantes; and author of a number of articles. She received a Ph.D. in Spanish and Portuguese from Yale University and an A.B. in History and Literature from Harvard University.