
Follow The Carbon: The Path to Net Zero

Start: 5 PM, April 18th
Venue: African Grove Theater, Paulson Center
Entrance on Houston and Green Streets
Duration: approximately one hour • LiveStream

Full program:

Short films start around 1:20:20

Dean Allyson Green, Introductions

Provost Dopico, Moderator, Opening remarks.

Al Roker, NBC: How weather broadcasters have changed their view on climate change.

Miles O’Brien, MilesO’ Chasing Carbon Zero

Melissa Lott, Columbia University: Plausible pathways to Net Zero.

David Holland, NYU Courant: Climate change challenge

Peter Terezakis, NYU Tisch: Creating and sharing climate stories.

Questions from the audience and discussion.

Provost Dopico, Closing remarks.