The Summer Reading Group of the MIT/WHOI joint program has been kind enough to invite me to give a talk on my research. They read a draft of my latest paper, and were intrigued. Thank you, guys, I’m honored! In ordinary times, I would have jumped on a plane and flown to Boston. Being in the middle of a COVID pandemics, we simply had an online meeting. That’s not as good as the real thing, but for the time being it’ll do.
Here are the slides that I discussed: MIT_talk. As I said right at the very beginning, this material doesn’t really cover my upcoming paper, nor the previous one on the same topic. Those two papers are hard to digest because they propose a solution for a problem which, (I realized with dismay) is not at all well-known. Therefore, in that talk, and in a paper in preparation with Marcello Vichi, I’m focusing on explaining what the problem is, rather than on what the solution is. (Yes, that’s all upside down… sorry…).