Photos of signs in a KFC indicating only take out or delivery (no table service), a limited number of people inside at a time, and mandatory masks. Amy Bentley. East 14th Street and 2nd Avenue, Manhattan. 09/08/2020
Photos taken of signs on restaurant windows and doors in Greenwich Village (Manhattan) NYC. The signs indicate the restaurants are closed, but offer gestures of hope and encouragement. Amy Bentley. Greenwich Village, Manhattan. 04/07/2020
Aside from reading and writing papers, I kept myself distracted and occupied by making things. I created a ginger bug and fermented Tepache that I made cocktails with when my partner came home from work, he was considered an essential…
John Corliss. Harlem, Manhattan, NYC. 5/8/2020
014 The blog on my website walks through a daily journal of my experiences with food and COVID-19. Broadly, it covers many topics that have been discussed with food and COVID over the past few months. It is an ongoing…
011 This project is dedicated to the restaurants in NYC to commemorate their fight for survival. The healthcare workers are not the only ones fighting in the coronavirus pandemic; so are the restaurant workers. They are reinventing the hospitality scene…