“Please maintain social distancing,” a hand-drawn signboard with illustrations of 2 shopping carts, 3 whole pizzas, and 6 wine bottles, outside Trader Joe’s Wine Shop, Union Square, Manhattan. Dave cook. Union Square, Manhattan, New York City. 05/27/2020


The sidewalk ordering station, including a service bell, a visual menu of drinks, and glasses holding used and unused pens, outside Salumeria Rosi, an Italian restaurant on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Dave Cook. Upper West Side, Manhattan, New…


“For service: Please ring door bell with your knee. Thanks!” A sign encouraging hands-free engagement posted (at knee level) outside Santa Fe, an American Southwest restaurant on the Upper West Side of Manhattan (now permanently closed). Dave Cook. Upper West…


The uncertainties of the 2020 Biden/Trump presidential election hinted at the possibility of voter unrest and possible damage to local restaurants and stores. Shops boarded up store fronts, signalling to customers that they were still open. Amy Bentley. Union Square,…


Daisy Zeijlon. New York State. 09/29/2020 The “Good Diner 10” was developed by Relief Opportunities for All Restaurants, a New York-based organization formed in March 2020 by independent restaurant owners. This graphic, published on the eve of indoor dining reopening…