“Please maintain social distancing,” a hand-drawn signboard with illustrations of 2 shopping carts, 3 whole pizzas, and 6 wine bottles, outside Trader Joe’s Wine Shop, Union Square, Manhattan. Dave cook. Union Square, Manhattan, New York City. 05/27/2020


While everyone is learning to bake homemade bread in isolation, I bought a grain mill online to make corn masa from scratch. As a Venezuelan national, I eat arepas regularly. However, I can’t say that my millennial palate has tasted many…


https://www.foodinapandemic.com/ Food is an essential part of our lives and pandemics can change our relationship, interaction, and overall perspective on food. I wanted to document this and perhaps even have it as a resource for people to look back to…


https://jy1403.wixsite.com/nycrestaurants This project is dedicated to the restaurants in NYC to commemorate their fight for survival. The healthcare workers are not the only ones fighting in the coronavirus pandemic; so are the restaurant workers. They are reinventing the hospitality scene…