Check out Tim Schaffer’s post on SoTL on the NYU Faculty Forum Blog

Timothy Schaffer’s recent recent post on the NYU Faculty Forum blog highlights the practice of “documenting your teaching” and argues it is an entry point to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) that is accessible for most faculty members. Whether or not they are doing SoTL, getting into the practice of documenting and telling […]

Welcome to the Office of Teaching Excellence & Innovation: Starting Our Second Decade with a New Name

Ten years ago the NYU Arts & Science Office of Educational Technology was launched with the goal of advancing innovations in teaching and learning by offering instructional design services and educational technology enhancements to all faculty. Over the ensuing decade, the Office has fostered the growth of major innovative teaching initiatives across Arts & Science, […]

Coding & STEM Instruction Innovation Fest Resources

Instructors in courses with STEM and coding content often need to supplement Brightspace with specialized tools that can render scientific notation and allow for runnable code. These instructors are joined by their colleagues in the increasing number of courses outside of computer and data science that include elements of coding instruction in needing independent development […]

Redesigning Assignments to Acknowledge General Access to Generative AI

Widespread access to generative AI tools necessitates revisiting assignments to make them at the very least less vulnerable to breaches of academic integrity, but also to find opportunities to transform them into vehicles for promoting better understanding and critical use of these tools by students. Two things are certain: There is no silver bullet response. […]

Coming Aug. 23-5: FORC Camp, a Data Skills Immersion Training for Graduate Students

NYU Data Services (NYU Libraries and IT), the Graduate School of Arts & Science Master’s College, and the Arts & Sciences Office of Ed Tech are excited to launch a new training opportunity for graduate students! The Foundations of Research Computing (FORC) Camp is a pilot three day data skills immersion program that will be […]

Contract Grading, Generative AI, and the Quest for Authentic Assessment

Contract Grading is an alternative grading format in which course grades are based on students’ fulfillment of a predetermined set of learning activities rather than solely on their performance on those activities. Two good examples of Arts & Science faculty use of contract grading can be found in Angela Zito’s Course Exemplar Design Gallery and […]

2023 Arts & Science Teaching Innovation Awards

On March 23, NYU Arts & Science hosted its sixth Teaching Innovation Awards Virtual Conference. Begun during the pandemic as a way of sharing the amazing work happening in remote and hybrid classroom spaces across our school, the conference has earned a reputation in the NYU community as a showcase of inspiring and accessible pedagogical […]