Liaison Finder

Departmental liaisons are listed alphabetically below.

ABCDEFGHIJ – K – LM – N – O – P – Q – RS – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z

Anthropology – Shaina Dymond

Art History – Shaina Dymond

Biology – Andrew Greene

Center for Data Science – Lucy Appert

Center for Experimental Humanities (XE) – Liz Melleby Welch

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) – Liz Melleby Welch

Chemistry – Andrew Greene

Classics – Shaina Dymond

Comparative Literature – Liz Melleby Welch

Computer Science – Andrew Greene

College Core Curriculum – Zachary Domach

Creative Writing Program – Liz Melleby Welch

Dramatic Literature – Liz Melleby Welch

East Asian Studies – Liz Melleby Welch

Economics – Andrew Greene

English – Liz Melleby Welch

Environmental Science – Andrew Greene

European and Mediterranean Studies (CEMS) – Liz Melleby Welch

Expository Writing Program – Liz Melleby Welch

French – Liz Melleby Welch

German – Liz Melleby Welch

Hebrew and Judaic Studies – Andrew Greene

Hellenic Studies – Liz Melleby Welch

History – Shaina Dymond

International Relations – Shaina Dymond

Irish Studies – Shaina Dymond

Italian Studies – Shaina Dymond

Journalism – Liz Melleby Welch

Liberal Studies – Timothy Schaffer

Linguistics –Shaina Dymond

Mathematics – Andrew Greene

Medieval and Renaissance Center – Shaina Dymond

Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies – Andrew Greene

Museum Studies – Liz Melleby Welch

Music – Andrew Greene

Neural Science – Andrew Greene

Philosophy – Shaina Dymond

Physics – Andrew Greene

Politics – Shaina Dymond

Psychology –Shaina Dymond

Religious Studies – Shaina Dymond

Russian and Slavic Studies – Andrew Greene

Social and Cultural Analysis – Liz Melleby Welch

Sociology – Andrew Greene

Spanish and Portuguese – Liz Melleby Welch

Don’t see your department or program of study listed? Please contact us at so we can connect you with an educational technologist and update our list.