Coding & STEM Instruction Innovation Fest Resources

Instructors in courses with STEM and coding content often need to supplement Brightspace with specialized tools that can render scientific notation and allow for runnable code. These instructors are joined by their colleagues in the increasing number of courses outside of computer and data science that include elements of coding instruction in needing independent development environments (IDEs) for students who may not have the skills or hardware to run coding programs. 

Supporting this instructional community was the goal of the Coding & STEM Instruction Innovation Fest held on November 3. Instructors from schools across NYU demonstrated their classroom use of the three core ed tech tools licensed or run by NYU IT for these courses: the ED platform including the Discussion, Lessons, and Workspaces tools; the Gradescope AI grading platform; and the JupyterHub platform. 

We’re grateful to the fantastic faculty presenters:

Here are the event videos followed by the resources shared by each presenter.

Event Videos


Aidan Feldman’s course site



Salim Arfaoui’s Slides

Getting started with Gradescope guide

ED Discussions, Lessons, & Workspaces

Craig Kapp’s Slides

Craig’s course LookBook site with info on his course design, including Exit Tickets

ED Feature request form for instructors

Respondus Lockdown Browser Guide