Exhibition Resources
- If you are exhibiting a video, there are several options for setting up a playback device.
- Use a media player
- Set up a raspberry pi with video looper
- Set up a raspberry pi with openframe.io (to upload media from wifi)
Documentation Resources
Creative Process
- Jenny Odell, On How to Grow an Idea.
- Articles on starting something new.
- Articles on dealing with creative anxiety.
- Articles on putting your work out there.
- Articles on staying on track.
- Carrie Mae Weems: School of Visual Arts 2016 commencement address
- Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
- Tavi’s World at the Melbourne Writers Festival
- Sara Hendren on how to find traction with your work.
- Many more in this fantastic list from Ida Bennetto here
- Do The Work! by Steven Pressfield
- Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon
- Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon
- The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield
If you like Do The Work by Steven Pressfield, which is pretty much a distillation of the principles in The War of Art, also by Steven Pressfield, I highly suggest you acquire this one as well.
Most of these things in this section can be achieved with a doc but many people like to use a specific online tool.
Keeping Track of References:
- Arena: https://www.are.na/
- Pinboard: https://pinboard.in
- Instapaper: https://www.instapaper.com/u
- There are lots more of these.. see Pocket, Evernote for others.
Project Organization
- Trello: https://trello.com/
- Airtable: https://airtable.com/
Time Management
- Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life by Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry
- Time Warrior: How to defeat procrastination, people-pleasing, self-doubt, over-commitment, broken promises and chaos by Steven Chandler
Librarians you can talk to for help
Scholarly Research
- Library research guide: https://guides.nyu.edu/digitalmedia
- Library research guides on other topics: https://guides.nyu.edu/
Databases and Data Services
- How to find datasets? Also how to find guides for learning software and tools. NYU data services: https://guides.nyu.edu/dataservices
- Safari online is a great NYU database with a collection of resources for learning software/tech. http://proquestcombo.safaribooksonline.com/
Creative Research
- Nicolas Nova, ed., Beyond Design Ethnography: How Designers Practice Ethnographic Research (SHS & Head, 2014). [book]
- Nithikul Nimkulrat and Tim O’Riley, eds., Reflections and Connections: On the Relationship Between Creative Production and Academic Research (University of Art and Design ) [book]
Christine Wong Yap, what artists make (happen), 2013
Career Resources
- GlassDoor
- AIGA’s Survey of Design Salary 2014
- Tandon Career Services
- NYU’s Wasserman Center for Career Development
- NYU’s Wasserman Center’s Events
- NYU’s Wasserman Center’s Finding a Mentor
Scholarships and Global Awards for Post Graduation Study and Travel
- NYU Global Awards.
- Drop into their office hours.
Resume & Cover Letter
- NYU’s Wasserman Center’s Resume & Cover Letters
- NYU’s Wasserman Center’s Resume Samples
- NYU’s Wasserman Center’s Cover Letter Sample
- Purdue OWL Résumé Workshop
- Smashing Magazine: How To Create A Great Web Design CV and Résumé
- 37 signals: Forget the resume, kill on the cover letter
Art Grants and Residencies
- Rhizome net art microgrants.
- NYC Culturehub residency
- Pioneer Works Artist Residency
- ZKM web art residency
- The Call for 2020 Designers-in-Residence at NYSCI
Giving a Presentation
- Advice on Public Speaking from Zach Lieberman https://medium.com/@zachlieberman/advice-on-public-talks-a984876388c2
- Jer Thorp, Three things I’ve learned from 18 years of public speaking: https://medium.com/@blprnt/the-three-things-i-learned-from-eighteen-years-of-public-speaking-875f01178902
Blogs and sites to follow
- We Make Money Not Art
- Brain Pickings
- Creative Applications
- Eyeo Talks
- Rhizome
- The Creative Independent
- The Reading Lists on Places journal is a great source of references.
- Creators Project