Weekly Deliverables

See the links below for weekly course deliverables. Due dates for major course milestones are listed in the table of contents and outlined in detail in the milestones section of this site. All deliverables are due on the week they are listed

DUE Week 1:
DUE Week 2: 
  • Read: Read this site and populate a calendar with key dates. 
  • Research log: Set up a means of documenting your work this semester. This could be a research blog, notes and docs saved to a private folder, a shared document or a notebook. Add the URL for your chosen tool to this sheet. If it is private, add the password.
  • Personal Canon: Set up an Arena account. Find at least three projects and three pieces of research and add these to a channel. The projects could be artworks, design projects, technologies or products. These should be example of practice that you admire and that are inspirational to your goals this term. The pieces of research should be either essays, articles, papers, books, blog posts, long form news article from a reputable outlet (NYTimes, Guardian, The Atlantic, New Yorker, Propublica), Ted talks or Eyeo talks that are related to your topic. Write a blog/journal post that links to your ARENA channel and briefly discuss how these relate to your project. What issues or techniques to they explore that inspire you to do further research? What questions are posed for you?
  • Reading: Do this reading by Christopher Frayling on different types of design research (for discussion in class next week!)
  • Schedule your first Individual meeting with me.  In preparation for this meeting consider what the topic of your senior project will be as well as identifying 2 to 3 jobs, companies or opportunities you’d like to pursue post graduation. Direct message me the details of some specific position(s) on Slack.
  • (OPTIONAL) Take a look at some of the organizational tools collected here. I recommend Self control and/or RescueTime populate categories and productivity values.
DUE Week 3: 
DUE Week 4:
    • DUE: Draft research report due
DUE Week 5:
    • Read one or more of the articles from this page or from this page (whichever speaks to you more), reflect on what the author shares and how it relates to your own creative process in a blog post.
    • Proposal presentation is due, with the project proposal doc due on Friday.
DUE Week 6:
    • Due: Research publication due.
DUE Week 7:
    • Project progress
DUE Week 8:
    • Due: First project prototype due at mid term demo
DUE Week 9:
  • DUE Week 10:
    • Due: Next project prototype due for project critique
    • Updates from all exhibition teams
    • Title for the exhibition
DUE Week 11:
    • Practice presentation slides are due.
    • TBA
    • Final senior project exhibition installation
    • Final presentation due.
    • Final project documentation and post due.