Pecha Kucha Instructions

We will open the first class with 5 minute pecha kucha presentations (15 slides x 20 seconds each). The goal of your presentation is to share who you are, what kinds of work you have made over the past few years, and what you want to focus on for your senior project.

Please use this pecha kucha template which has auto-timed slides set up for you. There are 15 slides, each designed to play for 20 seconds. Here are instructions to make a copy and setup your presentation:

  1. Open the template. Go to File > Make a Copy.
  2. Fill in the slide contents (you can delete the numbers).
  3. When it’s done, go to File > Publish to the web, and select these settings and click Publish:
  4. Copy the link and test it in your browser. In the URL, add an extra 0 to the part that says 2000, so it reads “delayms=20000”. This will make the slides advance every 20s.
  5. Add this updated URL and your name to this doc before the start of the first class on 9/6.


Slides 1-10 should contain previous work you’ve done that best illustrates your skills and interests. This need not cover everything you’ve made, just the most relevant work. You might include images, text, or video clips. You can present 10 different works, or multiple images of a fewer number of projects.

Slides 11-12 should contain your initial direction for your senior project. Determine a topic or issue that you would like to focus on for this project. It could be one from the list of IDM research projects provided here or it could be self devised. You may want to start with something in the news, a question on your mind, an issue you feel needs more awareness, or anything else. The topic should be specific, and something you can either make a unique contribution to or form a unique point of view around. That is, “cats” or “the color red” are probably not appropriate topics. The first two slides should introduce your topic of focus and tell us why it’s interesting to you.

Slides 13-15 should contain three different possible ideas for what your senior project will be. What form it may take, how it might specifically address your topic, what it might communicate. Remember, you only have 20 seconds to talk about each idea so your slide will need to be concise.

The timing of a pecha kucha is fast (20s per slide). You will need to do a run through in advance. This is your senior project. This is your chance to start with momentum and make a really great project.