Refereed Conference papers in chronological order.
NYU CTF Dataset: A Scalable Open-Source Benchmark Dataset for Evaluating LLMs in Offensive Security
M.Shao, S.Jancheska, M.Udeshi, B.Dolan-Gavitt, H.Xi, K.Milner, B.Chen, M.Yin, S.Garg, P.Krishnamurthy, F.Khorrami, R.Karri, M.Shafique
SZKP: A Scalable Accelerator Architecture for Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Alhad Daftardar, Brandon Reagen, Siddharth Garg
C2HLSC: Can LLMs Bridge the Software-to-Hardware Design Gap?
Luca Collini, Siddharth Garg, Ramesh Karri
LAD’24 (1st Intl. Workshop on LLM-Aided Design)
LipSim: A Provably Robust Perceptual Similarity Metric
Sara Ghazanfari, Alexandre Araujo, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami, Siddharth Garg
Retrieval-Guided Reinforcement Learning for Boolean Circuit Minimization
Animesh Basak Chowdhury, Marco Romanelli, Benjamin Tan, Ramesh Karri, Siddharth Garg
ICLR’24 [Paper][Bibtex]
Novel Quadratic Constraints for Extending LipSDP beyond Slope-Restricted Activations
Patricia Pauli, Aaron J Havens, Alexandre Araujo, Siddharth Garg, Farshad Khorrami, Frank Allgöwer, Bin Hu
On the (In)Feasability of Neural Network Backdoor Detection
Georg Pichler, Marco Romanelli, Divya Mannivannan, Prashnth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami, Siddharth Garg
Exploiting Connections between Lipschitz Structures for Certifiably Robust Deep Equilibrium Models
Aaron J Havens, Alexandre Araujo, Siddharth Garg, Farshad Khorrami, Bin Hu
Neurips’23 [Paper][Bibtex]
Chip-Chat: Challenges and Opportunities in Conversational Hardware Design
Jason Blocklove, Siddharth Garg, Ramesh Karri, Hammond Pearce
MLCAD’23 [Paper][Bibtex]
ConVERTS: Contrastively Learning Structurally InVariant Netlist Representationship
Animesh Basak Chowdhury, Jitendra Bhandari, Luca Collini, Ramesh Karri, Siddharth Garg, Benjamin Tan
MLCAD’23 [Paper][Bibtex]
Fairness via In-Processing in the Over-parameterized Regime: A Cautionary Tale with MinDiff Loss
Akshaj Kumar Veldanda, Ivan Brugere, Jiahao Chen, Sanghamitra Dutta, Alan Mishler, Siddharth Garg
TMLR [Paper][Bibtex]
Precoding-oriented Massive MIMO CSI Feedback Design
Fabrizio Carpi, S Venkatesan, J Du, H Viswanathan, Siddharth Garg, Elza Erkip
IEEE ICC 2023 [arXiv]
Lost at C: A User Study on the Security Implications of Large Language Model Code Assistants
Gustavo Sandoval, Hammond Pierce, Teo Nys, Ramesh Karri, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, Siddharth Garg
USENIX Security’23 [Paper][BibTeX]
ALMOST: Adversarial Learning to Mitigate Oracle-less ML Attacks via Synthesis Tuning
AB Chowdhury, Lilas Alrahis, Luca Collini, Johann Knechtel, Ramesh Karri, Siddharth Garg, Ozgur Sinanoglu, Benjamin Tan
DAC’23 [Paper][BibTeX]
Benchmarking Large Language Models for Automated Verilog RTL Code Generation
Shailja Thakur, Baleegh Ahmad, Zhenxing Fan, Hammond Pearce, Benjamin Tan, Ramesh Karri, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt and Siddharth Garg
DATE’23 [Paper][Bibtex]
Best Paper Award Nomination
Characterizing and Optimizing End-to-End Systems for Private Inference
Karthik Garimella, Zahra Ghodsi, Nandan Kumar Jha, Siddharth Garg, Brandon Reagen
ASPLOS’23 [Paper][BibTeX]
Path Planning Under Uncertainty to Localize mmWave Sources
Kai Pfeiffer, Yuze Jia, Mingsheng Yin, Akshaj Kumar Veldanda, Yaqi Hu, Amee Trivedi, Jeff Jun Zhang, Siddharth Garg, Elza Erkip, Sundeep Rangan, Ludovic Righetti
ICRA’23 [Paper][BibTeX]
Bulls-Eye: Active Few-shot Learning Guided Logic Synthesis
AB Chowdhury, Benjamin Tan, Ryan Carey, Tushit Jain, Ramesh Karri, Siddharth Garg
IEEE TCAD [Paper][BibTeX]
Sphynx: A Deep Neural Network Design for Private Inference
Minsu Cho, Zahra Ghodsi, Brandon Reagen, Siddharth Garg, Chinmay Hegde
IEEE S&P Mag. [Paper][BibTeX]
Millimeter Wave Wireless Assisted Robot Navigation With Link State Classification
Mingsheng Yin, Akshaj Kumar Veldanda, Amee Trivedi, Jeff Zhang, Kai Pfeiffer, Yaqi Hu, Siddharth Garg, Elza Erkip, Ludovic Righetti, Sundeep Rangan
Open J. of ComSoc [Paper][BibTeX]
Locked Circuit Indistinguishability: A Notion of Security for Logic Locking
M El Massad, N Juma, J Shahen, M Raykova, S Garg, M Tripunitara
CSF’22 [Paper][BibTeX]
Selective Network Linearization for Efficient Private Inference
Minsu Cho, Ameya Joshi, Brandon Reagen, Siddharth Garg, Chinmay Hegde
ICML’22 [Paper][BibTeX]
Adversarially Robust Learning via Entropic Regularization
Gauri Jagatap, Ameya Joshi, AB Chowdhury, Siddharth Garg, Chinmay Hegde
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence [Paper][BibTeX]
Circa: Stochastic ReLUs for Private Deep Learning
Z Ghodsi, N Jha, B Reagen, andS Garg
NeuRIPS’21 [Paper][BibTeX]
NNoculation: Catching BadNets in the Wild
AK Veldanda, K Liu, B Tan, P Krishnamurthy, F Khorrami, R Karri, B Dolan-Gavitt, and S Garg
AISec’21 (co-located with CCS’21) [Paper][BibTeX]
Single-Shot Compression for Hypothesis Testing
F Carpi, S Garg, and E Erkip
IEEE SPAWC 2021 [arXiv][Poster][Slides][Video]
Best Student Paper Award (2nd place) at IEEE SPAWC 2021
Best Poster Award (1st Place) at IEEE CTW 2021
A Concentration of Measure Approach to Correlated Graph Matching
F Shirani, S Garg, and E Erkip
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Info Theory [Paper][BibTeX]
ASSURE: RT-Locking Against an Untrusted Foundry
C Pilato, AB Chowdhury, D Sciutto, S Garg, and R Karri
IEEE TVLSI [Paper][BibTeX]
Robust Deep Learning for IC Test Problems
AB Chowdhury, B Tan, S Garg, and R Karri
IEEE TCAD [Paper][BibTeX]
DeepReDuce: ReLU Reduction for Fast Private Inference
N Jha, Z Ghodsi, S Garg, B Reagen
ICML’21 [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Subverting Privacy-Preserving GANs: Hiding Secrets in Sanitized Images
K Liu, B Tan, S Garg
AAAI’21 [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Bias Busters: Robustifying DL-based Lithographic Hotspot Detectors Against Backdooring Attacks
K Liu, B Tan, G R Reddy, S Garg, Y Makris, R Karri
IEEE TCAD [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Training Data Poisoning in ML-CAD: Backdooring DL-based Lithographic Hotspot Detectors
K Liu, B Tan, R Karri, S Garg
IEEE TCAD [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Adversarial Perturbation Attacks on ML-based CAD: A Case Study on CNN-based Lithographic Hotspot Detection
K Liu, H Yang, Y Ma, B Tan, B Yu, E FY Young, R Karri, S Garg
ACM TODAES [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
CryptoNAS: Private Inference on a ReLU Budget
Z Ghodsi, A Veldanda, B Reagen, S Garg
NeurIPS’20 [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Model-Switching: Dealing with Fluctuating Workloads in Machine-Learning-as-a-Service Systems
J Zhang, S Elnikety, S Zarar, A Gupta, S Garg
HOTCLOUD’20 [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
SafeTPU: A Verifiably Secure Hardware Accelerator for Deep Neural Networks
MIM Collantes, Z Ghodsi, S Garg
VTS’20 [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Is register transfer level locking secure?
C Karfa, R Chouksey, C Pilato, S Garg, R Karri
DATE’20 [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Poisoning the (Data) well in ML-Based CAD: a case study of hiding lithographic hotspots
K Liu, B Tan, R Karri, S Garg
DATE’20 [Paper][Slides][Video][BibTeX]
Adaptive Adversarial Videos on Roadside Billboards: Dynamically Modifying Trajectories of Autonomous Vehicles
N. Patel, P. Krishnamurthy, S. Garg, and F. Khorrami
CompAct: On-chip Compression of Activations for Low PowerSystolic Array Based CNN Acceleration
J. Zhang, P. Raj, S. Zarar, A. Ambardekar, S. Garg
IEEE TECS (Special Issue on Papers from ESWeek 2019)
Enabling Timing Error Resilience for Low-Power Systolic-Array Based Deep Learning Accelerators
J. Zhang, Z Ghodsi, K Rangineni, S. Garg
IEEE Design and Test of Computers
A Concentration of Measure Approach to Database De-anonymization
F. Shirani, S. Garg, E. Erkip
IEEE Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT’19)
Don’t Trust, Verify: A Verifiable Hardware Accelerator for Matrix Multiplication
M.I. Mera, S. Garg
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
The SAT Attack on IC Camouflaging: Impact and Potential Countermeasures
M. El-Massad, S. Garg, M. Tripunitara
IEEE TCAD (Special Issue on Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Systems Security)
Fault-tolerant Systolic Array Based Accelerators for Deep Neural Network Execution
J. Zhang, K. Basu, S. Garg
IEEE Design and Test of Computers
BadNets: Evaluating Backdooring Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
Tianyu Gu, Kang Liu, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, Siddharth Garg
IEEE Access
Split Manufacturing Based Register Transfer Level Obfuscation
Xiaotong Cui, Jeff (Jun) Zhang, Kaijie Wu, Siddharth Garg, Ramesh Karri
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing
TrojanZero: Switching Activity-Aware Design of Undetectable Hardware Trojans with Zero Power and Area Footprint
I.F. Abbassi, F. Khalid, S. Rehman, A. Kamboh, A. Jantsch, S. Garg, M. Shafique
DATE 2019
TaintHLS A HighLevel Synthesis Approach to Dynamic Information Flow Tracking in Hardware Accelerators
C. Pilato, S. Garg, R. Karri, F. Regazzoni
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design
Securing Hardware Accelerators: A New Challenge for High-Level Synthesis.
Christian Pilato, Siddharth Garg, Kaijie Wu, Ramesh Karri, Francesco Regazzoni
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
FATE: fast and accurate timing error prediction framework for low power DNN accelerator design
J. Zhang, S. Garg
Fine-Pruning: Defending Against Backdooring Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
K. Liu, B. Dolan-Gavitt, S. Garg
Optimal Active Social Network De-anonymization Using Information Thresholds
F. Shirani, S. Garg, E. Erkip
Typicality Matching for Pairs of Correlated Graphs
F. Shirani, S. Garg, E. Erkip
ThUnderVolt: Enabling Aggressive Voltage Underscaling and Timing Error Resilience for Energy-Efficient Deep Neural Network Accelerators
J. Zhang, Z. Ghodsi, S. Garg.
TAO: Techniques for Algorithm-Level Obfuscation during High-Level Synthesis
C. Pilato, F. Ragazzoni, R. Karri, S. Garg
Analyzing and Mitigating the Impact of Permanent Faults on a Systolic Array Based Neural Network Accelerator
J. Zhang, T. Gu, B.D. Gavitt, S. Garg.
VTS’18 [Best Paper Award Nomination]
Thread Progress Equalization: Dynamically Adaptive Power-Constrained Performance Optimization of Multi-Threaded Applications.
Y. Turakhia, G. Liu, S. Garg, D. Marculescu.
IEEE Transactions on Computers
Computing in the Dark Silicon Era: Current Trends and Research Challenges
M. Shafique, S. Garg
IEEE Design & Test of Computers
SafetyNets: Verifiable Execution of Deep Neural Networks on an Untrusted Cloud
Z. Ghodsi, T. Gu, S. Garg.
BadNets: Identifying Vulnerabilities in the Machine Learning Model Supply Chain
T. Gu, B.D. Gavitt, S. Garg.
NIPS MLSec Workshop’17 [Best Attack Paper!]
Reverse Engineering Camouflaged Sequential Circuits Without Scan Access
M. El-Massad, S. Garg, M. Tripunitara.
Optimal Checkpointing for Secure Intermittently Powered IoT Devices
Z. Ghodsi, S. Garg, R. Karri.
Rethinking Split Manufacturing: An Information-Theoretic Approach with Secure Layout Techniques
A. Sengupta, S. Patnaik, J. Knechtel, M. Ashraf, S. Garg and O. Sinanoglu.
An Information Theoretic Framework for Active De-Anonymization in Social Networks Based on Group Memberships.
F. Shirani, S. Garg, E. Erkip.
IoT-enabled Distributed Cyber-attacks on Transmission and Distribution Grids.
Y. Dvorkin, S. Garg.
The Need for Declarative Properties in Digital IC Security.
M. El Massad, F. Imeson, S. Garg, M. Tripunitara.
BandiTS: Dynamic timing speculation using multi-armed bandit based optimization.
J. Zhang, S. Garg.
Fragility of the Commons under Prospect-Theoretic Risk Attitudes.
A. Hota, S. Garg, S. Sundaram.
Games and Economic Behavior
Variability- and Reliability-Awareness in the Age of Dark Silicon.
F. Kriebel, S. Rehman, M. Shafique, S. Garg and J. Henkel.
IEEE Design and Test of Computers
Optimal De-Anonymization in Random Graphs with Community Structure.
E. Onoran, S. Garg and E. Erkip.
Non-Deterministic Timers for Hardware Trojan Activation (Or How a Little Randomness Can Go the Wrong Way)
F Imeson, S Nejati, S Garg and M Tripunitara.
Threshold-Dependent Camouflaged Cells to Secure Circuits Against Reverse Engineering Attacks.
M.I. Mera, M. El-Massad, S. Garg.
Synergistic Timing Speculation for Multi-threaded Programs.
A. Yasin, J. Zhang, H. Chen, S. Chakraborty, S. Garg, K. Chakraborty.
Verifiable ASICs.
R.S. Wahby, M. Howard. S. Garg, a. shelat, M. Walfish.
Oakland S&P’16 [Distinguished Student Paper Award!]
Energy Storage and Regulation: An Analysis.
D. Fooladivanda, C. Rosenberg, S. Garg.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid.
Learning-Based Power/Performance Optimization for Many-Core Systems with Extended-Range Voltage/Frequency Scaling.
E. Cai, D.-C. Juang, S. Garg, J. Park and D. Marculescu.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design
Analysis of Energy- And SoC-Neutral Contracts for Frequency Regulation with Energy Storage
D. Fooladivanda, C. Rosenberg, and S. Garg,
Energy Efficient Scheduling for Web Search on Heterogeneous Micro-Servers
S. Jain, H. Navale, U. Ogras and S. Garg,
Variability-Aware Dark Silicon Management in On-Chip Many-Core Systems
M. Shafique, D. Gnad, S. Garg, J. Henkel,
IC Decamouflaging: Reverse Engineering Camouflaged ICs Within Minutes
M. El-Massad, S. Garg and M. Tripunitara,
Reliable Computing with Ultra-Reduced Instruction Set Coprocessors.
Dan Wang, Aravindkumar Rajendiran, Sundaram Ananthanarayanan, Hiren D. Patel, Mahesh V. Tripunitara, and Siddharth Garg.
IEEE Micro
Statistical Peak Temperature Prediction and Thermal Yield Improvement for 3D Chip Multiprocessors.
Da-Cheng Juan, Siddharth Garg and Diana Marculescu.
An Analysis of Energy Storage and Regulation
D. Fooladivanda C. Rosenberg and S. Garg.
Job Arrival Rate Aware Scheduling for Asymmetric Multi-core Servers In the Dark Silicon Era
B. Raghunathan and S. Garg.
EDA Challenges in the Dark Silicon Era
M. Shafique, S. Garg, J. Henkel and D. Marculescu.
A Hybrid Amplitude/Time Encoding Scheme for Enhancing Coding Efficiency and Dynamic Range in Digitally Modulated Power Amplifiers.
Jingjing Xia, Siddharth Garg, Slim Boumaiza.
Addressing Process Variations at the Microarchitecture and System Level.
Siddharth Garg, Diana Marculescu.
Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation.
Mitigating the Impact of Process Variation on the Performance of 3-D Integrated Circuits.
Siddharth Garg, Diana Marculescu.
Resource Sharing Games with Failures and Heterogeneous Risk Attitudes
A. Hota, S. Garg and S. Sundaram.
Learning the Optimal Operating Point for Many-Core Systems with Extended Range Voltage/Frequency Scaling
D.-C. Juan, S. Garg, J. Park and D. Marculescu.
Securing Computer Hardware Using 3D Integrated Circuit (IC) Technology and Split Manufacturing for Obfuscation
F. Imeson, A. Emtenan, S. Garg, M. Tripunitara.
USENIX Security’13
HaDeS: Architectural Synthesis for Heterogeneous Dark Silicon Chip Multiprocessors
Y. Turakhia, B. Raghunathan, S. Garg, D. Marculescu.
Impact of Manufacturing Process Variations on Performance and Thermal Characteristics of 3D ICs: Emerging Challenges and New Solutions
D.-C. Juan, S. Garg and D. Marculescu.
ISCAS (Invited Paper)
Cherry-Picking: Exploiting Process Variations in Dark-Silicon Homogeneous Chip Multi-Processors
B. Raghunathan, Y. Turakhia, S. Garg, D. Marculescu.
Low Cost Permanent Fault Detection Using Ultra-Reduced Instruction Set Co-Processors
S. Ananthanarayanan, S. Garg, H.D. Patel.
Vertically-Addressed Test Structures (VATS) for 3D IC Variability and Stress Measurements
C. O’Sullivan, P. Levine and S. Garg.
Technology-driven limits on runtime power management algorithms for multiprocessor systems-on-chip.
Siddharth Garg, Diana Marculescu, Radu Marculescu. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies IEEE JETC
On the Impact of Manufacturing Process Variations on the Lifetime of Sensor Networks.
Siddharth Garg, Diana Marculescu
Exploiting Process Variability in Voltage/Frequency Control.
Sebastian Herbert, Siddharth Garg, Diana Marculescu. In IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems IEEE TVLSI
System-Level Leakage Variability Mitigation for MPSoC Platforms Using Body-Bias Islands.
Siddharth Garg, Diana Marculescu.
EmPower: FPGA Based Rapid Prototyping of Dynamic Power Management Algorithms for Multi-Processor Systems on Chip
C. Ravishankar, S. Ananthanarayanan, S. Garg, A. Kennings,
Reliable Computing with Ultra-Reduced Instruction Set Co-processors
A. Rajendiran, S. Ananthanarayanan, H.D. Patel, M.V. Tripunitara, S. Garg, IEEE/ACM Design DAC’12
Analysis and Evaluation of Greedy Thread Swapping Based Dynamic Power Management for MPSoC Platforms
C. Ravishankar, S. Ananthanarayanan, S. Garg, A. Kennings,
Robust Heterogeneous Datacenter Design: A Formal Approach
S. Garg, S. Sundaram and H.D. Patel.
Parametric Yield and Reliability of 3D Integrated Circuits: New Challenges and Solutions
S. Garg and D. Marculescu
Statistical Thermal Evaluation and Mitigation Techniques for 3D Chip-Multiprocessors In the Presence of Process Variations
D.-C. Juan, S. Garg, and D. Marculescu
Prior to 2010
S. Garg, D. Marculescu, and S. Herbert, “Process Variation Aware Performance Modeling and Dynamic Power Management for Multicore Systems,” in IEEE/ACM Intl. Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, CA, Nov. 2010. (Embedded tutorial)
S. Garg, D. Marculescu, R. Marculescu, “Custom Feedback Control: Enabling Truly Scalable On-Chip Power Management for MPSoCs,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Intl. Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, Austin, TX, Aug. 2010.
S. Garg, R. Yan, R. Marculescu, D. Marculescu, U. Schlichtmann, “Architectural Modeling of the Impact of Process Variations on Network-on-Chip Clock Frequency,” in Proc. Workshop on Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips (DSNOC), in conjunction with ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Anaheim, CA, June 2010.
S. Garg, D. Marculescu, R. Marculescu and U. Ogras, “Technology-driven Limits on DVFS Controllability of Multiple Voltage-Frequency Island Designs” in Proc. of IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), Jul. 2009. Best Paper in Session Award
S. Garg and D. Marculescu, “Process Variability Analysis and Mitigation for 3D MPSoCs” in Proc. of IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Apr. 2009. Best Paper Award Nomination
S. Garg and D. Marculescu, “3D GCP – An Analytical Model for the Impact of Process Variations on the Critical Path Delay of 3D ICs” in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), Mar. 2009. Best Paper Award
S. Garg, D. Marculescu, “System-Level Mitigation of WID Leakage Variations using Body-Bias Islands,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Intl. Conference on Hardware-Software Codesign and Systems Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), Atlanta, GA, October 2008.
S. Garg, D. Marculescu, “On the Impact of Manufacturing Process Variations On the Lifetime of Sensor Networks,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Intl. Conference on Hardware-Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES-ISSS), Salzburg, Austria, Sept. 2007
S. Garg, D. Marculescu,”System-Level Process Variation Driven Throughput Analysis for Single and Multiple Voltage-Frequency Island Designs,” in Proc. IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Nice, France, Apr. 2007.
D. Marculescu, S. Garg, “System-Level Process-Driven Variability Analysis for Single and Multiple Voltage-Frequency Island Systems,” in Proc. IEEE/ACM Intl. Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, CA, Nov. 2006.
S. Herbert, S. Garg, D. Marculescu, “Reclaiming Performance and Energy Efficiency from Variability,” in 4th Annual Thomas J. Watson P=ac2 Conference (PAC2), Yorktown, NY, Oct. 2006.