Poster at iPres 2023

Look for our poster, Embedding Preservability: Iframes in Complex Scholarly Publications, narrated by Karen Hanson.

Abstract: As part of a research project, a small team of preservation experts has been embedded within publisher workflows to analyze the challenges associated with preserving complex scholarly publications. As the project reaches the midway point, patterns are emerging regarding preservation-friendly practices that could potentially be incorporated into production processes and platforms to support preservation at scale. One common threat to the preservability of the analyzed publications is the inclusion of web pages that are hosted by a third party (e.g., YouTube videos, ArcGIS visualizations) within the text using iframes. The team is exploring methods to improve preservability in such instances while considering the constraints of the project partners and the requirement that preservation services can scale their processes across numerous publications.

Catch up with Embedding Team Members Karen Hanson, Scott Witmer, and Thib Guicherd-Callin during the Poster session on Thursday, September 21st, 11:00am – 12:30pm TP-1. Heritage Hall 2.

Learn more about Posters at iPres from this conference blog post.

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