Developing a Preservability Mindset

Shout out to Hannah Brooks-Motl at Amherst College Press!

In her recent post to the ACP blog, Hannah Brooks-Motl, acquisition editor with project partner Amherst College Press (ACP) shares her thoughts on the gathering that we convened last fall and how that experience is supporting her in further developing a preservability mindset. Brooks-Motl highlights a shift in how she engages with authors to explore how they might work together to improve preservability of their project. By engaging with a standard tool of the trade “the lowly art log”, which emerged at the gathering as a “point of preservability convergence” amongst participants, in a new way, Brooks-Motl is strengthening its role and reaffirming its purpose in the acquisition workflow.

Thank you Hannah!


Project Partner Gathering at NYU Libraries

In September, NYU Libraries and the Embedding Team hosted a hybrid on-site/on-line gathering for partners that focused on two areas of inquiry:

    • the embedding experience
    • shared challenges to preservability of complex digital publications

Editorial and production staff from six university presses, developers from three publishing platforms, several special guests, and the embedding team shared their perspectives, expertise, and insights over the course of two days. The participatory format of the gathering was modeled on the embedding process with time for everyone to contribute individually, in small groups, and together as a full group. A series of questions for each section of the agenda were shared ahead of time via a Miro board that served as the virtual place for participants to share information as well as a guide for remote participants.

The first day was devoted to the embedding process itself. Press partners described their publications and why they were selected for inclusion in this research. Platform partners described how they approached preservation via features, functions, and overarching service philosophy. Embedding team members highlighted one risk to preservability for each of the candidate publications alongside the guideline recommendations for how to address it. The full group discussed the viability of those suggested approaches and how easy/difficult they might be to implement. The group explored lingering questions that the process had raised as well as opportunities that lie ahead. Throughout the course of the day the group discussed six publications and three publishing platforms.

We asked partners to consider some of the shared challenges that have emerged during the course of our research to help us understand how we might address them in terms of project outcomes. These discussions began in small groups and ended with report outs to the full group where questions and further conversation ensued. In all, partners discussed four shared challenges to enhancing preservability of complex digital publications and provided concrete feedback to the embedding team.

The challenges that were discussed are listed below.

    • Only a subset of guidelines are likely to apply to a given platform and they need to be adapted to fit the platform. What are some ways the guidelines could be activated to best support your work?
    • It’s sometimes unclear whose responsibility it is to think about preservation. What roles seem appropriate to address preservability of publications? What can we do to reach and educate those who are likely to do this work?
    • Concepts are not universally understood when it comes to preservation. This makes it difficult for publishers to articulate what is in scope for preservation at the publication level and communicate their needs to their platforms. What would help publishers achieve a shared understanding of baseline preservation vocabulary, philosophy, and concepts so that they are in a position to establish scope at the Press level and publication level, as well as communicate their needs in a consistent and clear way to their platform partners?
    • Captions are more likely to be created for images than they are for enhanced features such as video, audio, GIS data, etc. These features are at a high risk of loss, leaving a hole with no description. What are the obstacles you face in producing captions for all embedded material? What would help you address those obstacles?

The feedback we received from partners will inform the project deliverables to be published in 2024.

Process into Practice

Where to begin?

I asked myself as I sat down to write this update in which I will describe, from my vantage point as project manager and embedding team member, a bit about how we have defined the embedding process, what it looks like in practice, and an example of an unexpected, early learning. We are just over six months in to “embedding” with publishers and their publishing-software developers; asking questions about how and when technology-decisions are made, learning about editorial and production workflows, collecting data, engaging in lively discussions about what it might mean to operationalize preservability into those workflows; identifying points of risk, and sharing possible options for addressing them.

No one really knew what to expect when we started. There really aren’t any precedents to point to with regard to the approach we are taking. We needed to create a process. So, the first thing we did was to create a context-setting conversation. A conversation between the embedding team and a publisher during which we begin to learn about their workflow and identify where preservation-related actions currently occur.

This creating context interview consists of a set of questions that we share ahead of time and ask publishers to answer before we meet. Then, during our virtual embedding session, two embedding team members work together to conduct the interview. One of us asks the questions, the other documents the conversation in-real-time. This offers us the opportunity to dive deeper into the questions as we are able to build off of the answers previously provided. The result is the collection of a large swath of information in a short period of time, with the ease of a conversation-style format.

Next, the embedding team works visually, using Miro, to revisit the conversation in light of the sixty-eight guidelines developed during the previous project to identify points of potential risk to preservation. Our goal is to highlight where there are opportunities to improve preservation outcomes and suggest them back to the publisher. Several of the guidelines have generated considerable discussion and raised some interesting issues in terms of implementation. For example, across the five conversations with publishers that we have had since the start of the embedding process, exploring publications with diverse subjects – archaeology, architecture, Russian literature, transforming a rap dissertation complete with lyrics and tracks into an EPUB, and an issue of a scientific journal – the idea of “author intent” has arisen in some form or another. How does the author see that external resource (audio, video, website, data set, still image) in the context of their publication? Is the resource something that is essential to understanding the publication and how the author intended their reader to experience it? Do they have the rights to preserve it? Is it a core intellectual component?

Whilst we may not have set out to explore author intent, it has become a thread that connects each of the publications with one another and our attempt to raise awareness around the risks to preservation that are inherent in these new forms of scholarship and as we look to recommend possible paths for publishers to take to address those risks. By asking authors to provide context around the core intellectual components of their publications early on in the pre-production workflow, publishers would have an important resource to draw from when trying to preserve the work. Which, in theory, would also lead to a greater chance that future attempts at re-constructing it or publishing it on a platform that does not currently exist would be possible.

These questions and the idea around “author intent” bring to mind conversations that I facilitated with leaders in the fields of contemporary art and conservation back in 2014. The focus at that time was around conservation of contemporary art and what information to collect that would be useful to know up front with regard to materials, and how to collect that information. VoCA (Voices in Contemporary Art) developed and stewards this work that takes the form of an in-depth questionnaire that the artist, whose work is being acquired by a museum, fills in coupled with an interview conducted by the conservator tasked with long-term preservation and care of it. In addition to questions around materials, there is also room for discussion around what is important to understand conceptually and aesthetically about the work, the artist’s creative practice, and the facets of the work that are essential to reconstructing it in the future (which is a version of the question that the guidelines are asking, What are the core intellectual components of the work?). This approach has become an essential component of the management and care processes that museum professionals who work with and conserve contemporary art use in their practice. It may also provide a model that could be applied or adapted by publishers looking for ways to integrate conversations and collect critical data about what is essential to preserve from the author’s perspective early on in their workflows.

The embedding process will continue for another two years, the number and type of publishers with whom we are able to exchange ideas will grow, and we will have the opportunity to learn from and work with a fourth publishing platform. As we learn more, we will share it here. Look for posts over the course of the project as we use this blog space to bring you updates and insights from our efforts.

Angela T. Spinazzè, Project Manager and Embedding Team Member