Workshop at iPres 2024

How Preservable is your Complex Digital Project? Introducing a Self Assessment Tool

Join us at 14:00 on September 16, 2024!

We invite you to experiment with a new Self Assessment Tool that identifies preservability risk factors for complex works and offers recommendations to content creators that could improve your project’s preservation outlook.

This 2-hour workshop is designed for anyone preserving complex works (or interested in doing so) that may need to assess their preservability. It is especially relevant to those who interface with content creators and have opportunities to give feedback to improve preservation outcomes – for example, those working with digital humanities researchers.

We are excited to share our work and to provide an opportunity for attendees to experiment with this new tool that is a result of five years of research into the preservability of new forms of scholarship!

Register for iPres2024 and our workshop today. 

Download the abstract to learn more.

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Embedding Team at Society for Scholarly Publishing conference in May! 

Improving the Preservability of your Complex Digital Publications 

Join us on Thursday, May 30th, Session 3F at 4:00pm

New forms of scholarship are characterized by a variety of digital enhancements such as audio, video, complex data visualizations,and nonlinear navigation. The combination of elements, how they are described, where they reside, how they are licensed, and the role they playin supporting the scholarly argument, pose challenges with regard to preservability.

We invite you to join us in Boston where we will present scenarios from our research illustrating difficult to preserve features, identifying recommendations found in the Guidelines for Preserving New Forms of Scholarship, highlighting successes that improved the long-term preservability of those features, and demonstrating design choices that can be made to address these. Participants will work in small groups on one of the challenges; contributing their experiences to facilitate dialogues around obstacles they faced, additional actions to support enhanced preservability, and who has a role to play in the process.

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Poster at iPres 2023

Look for our poster, Embedding Preservability: Iframes in Complex Scholarly Publications, narrated by Karen Hanson.

Abstract: As part of a research project, a small team of preservation experts has been embedded within publisher workflows to analyze the challenges associated with preserving complex scholarly publications. As the project reaches the midway point, patterns are emerging regarding preservation-friendly practices that could potentially be incorporated into production processes and platforms to support preservation at scale. One common threat to the preservability of the analyzed publications is the inclusion of web pages that are hosted by a third party (e.g., YouTube videos, ArcGIS visualizations) within the text using iframes. The team is exploring methods to improve preservability in such instances while considering the constraints of the project partners and the requirement that preservation services can scale their processes across numerous publications.

Catch up with Embedding Team Members Karen Hanson, Scott Witmer, and Thib Guicherd-Callin during the Poster session on Thursday, September 21st, 11:00am – 12:30pm TP-1. Heritage Hall 2.

Learn more about Posters at iPres from this conference blog post.

Download the Poster