Traditional radio transceivers are generally not able to receive and transmit on the same frequency band because of the crosstalk (self-interference) between the transmitter and the receiver circuits. Given that the received signal over the air is one million times or more weaker than the transmitted signal, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to detect the received signal under internal interference from the transmitter. Thus, to avoid this interference, today’s communication systems rely on half duplex (HD) transmission, typically transmitting and receiving at different times or in different frequency bands. The full duplex (FD) technology developed in this project allows for transceivers to receive and transmit in the same frequency band, at the same time, potentially doubling data rates. Given the enormous market size of the wireless industry, combined with the pressing need for solutions to solve the ‘spectrum crunch’, full duplex technology thus offers tremendous societal and commercial impact.
This project addresses the fundamental challenges when incorporating full duplex radios in a cellular network to unlock the full potential of this technology. The group focuses on three aspects related to full-duplex cellular. First, smart schedulers for full duplex base stations that coordinate the maximum set of transmissions with least mutual interference, while maintaining fairness among the mobiles. Second, joint routing and scheduling algorithm that fully utilizes full duplex enabled relay terminals. Third, the impact of having advanced interference cancellation techniques at the user device on the performance of full duplex cellular systems.
Featured Group Publications
N.V. Shende, O. Gurbuz and E. Erkip, “Half-duplex or full-duplex communications: Degrees of freedom analysis under self-interference,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, February 2018.
Shahram Shahsavari, David Ramirez, and Elza Erkip, “Joint user scheduling and power optimization in full-duplex cells with successive interference cancellation,” IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2017
O. Simeone, E. Erkip and S. Shamai, “Full-duplex cloud radio access networks: An information-theoretic viewpoint,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Aug. 2014.
S. Goyal, P. Liu, O. Gurbuz, E. Erkip, S. Panwar, “A distributed MAC protocol for full duplex radio,” IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2013.
N. Shende, O. Gurbuz, and E. Erkip, “Half-duplex or full-duplex relaying: A capacity analysis under self-interference,” Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2013.