Essential information:
- el taller’s first Summer Institute will be: Monday, July 20 – Thursday, July 23
- Morning sessions begin at 10 am EST and afternoon sessions begin at 2:30 pm EST
- Materials for all sessions (including roundtable and workshop papers, Transatlantic Studies, and Laxe’s film Fire will come) and Zoom links for all sessions will be available on el taller’s website in the “goodies” tab:
- Our email is:
- With the exception of the final session “Q&A on Post-National Cinema” (which is public facing and will be streamed live on the KJCC YouTube channel), everything will take place via Zoom
- Our conversations will be in English and Spanish. There is no preference and we wish to have an open and bilingual exchange of ideas.
- Each session will last 2 hours max.
How can I attend the Summer Institute?
All the sessions of el taller’s Summer Institute will be online through Zoom Webinar. You can access the links to all of the sessions (whether you registered or not) on the el taller website, and you are welcome to attend all.
If you are a panelist on a roundtable, a discussion leader in a workshop or book discussion, or have submitted a paper for a workshop and are thus an active participant, you will receive a separate email to enter the webinar as a participant and not as an attendee. If you are a panelist or a discussion leader (for book discussion or workshops), please sign into the webinar 15 minutes before the session.
If you are an attendee, just follow the links on our website.
What is the difference between the roundtable sessions, the book discussion, and the workshops?
All sessions will take place via Zoom Webinar. However the format of the sessions will be slightly different.
Three speakers will present for about 15 minutes each; the moderator will lead a discussion with prepared questions. Attendees will formulate questions through the Q&A box. At the end of the roundtable, we will open the session to general questions from attendees. If attendees wish to ask a question or make a comment, they will click the “raise hand” button and the moderator will enable their microphone.
Position papers by round table speakers will be uploaded to el taller’s website for all attendees to read prior to July 20.
Book discussion:
Participating editors and contributors to Transatlantic Studies will lead the first part of the discussion. The second part of the discussion will be open to all attendees, who may ask a question or make a comment by clicking the “raise hand” button and the moderator will enable their microphone.
Workshops are designed to encourage dialogue between discussion leaders and the participants who enroll in the workshop. Participants’ papers will be posted to el taller’s website and can be found in the “goodies” tab starting July 15. Papers will be uploaded as they are received.
Participants and attendees will read the papers before the workshop and the 2 hours of the workshop will be dedicated to discussion. Attendees who wish to participate in the discussion can post a question in the Q&A box or wait until the last 30 minutes when we will open the discussion to all. If attendees wish to ask a question or make a comment, they will click the “raise hand” button and the moderator will enable their microphone.
What is the difference between a panelist and an attendee?
Zoom Webinar differentiates between a “panelist” and an “attendee.” If you were in a live event at an auditorium, the folks who are hosting, presenting, and moderating would be the “panelist” and those sitting in the audience would be the “attendees.”
As an attendee, there are two ways to participate in the discussion. Either writing a question into the Q&A box at the bottom of your screen or waiting until the end of the presentation to formulate a question orally. To do that, just raise your hand and the moderator will enable your audio. Think of it as when you are at an in person event and you raise your hand so that someone brings you the microphone.
Where are the Zoom links available?
You can find them in the “goodies” section of the website:
I want to read Transatlantic Studies but I don’t have a copy/my library doesn’t carry it online. Help!
You can find a copy of the book in the “goodies” section of the website:
Where can I read the position papers for the roundtables and the workshops?
You can find all materials (and Zoom links) for the sessions in the “goodies” section of the website:
I am presenting in one of the workshops. Should I prepare a powerpoint?
The workshops serve as a space for discussion and to generate new ideas. Folks will read workshop papers in advance and we will start the workshop discussing the ideas that were placed forward in your position papers. So, you don’t need a powerpoint as you will not be reading your paper live.
Accommodations / Closed Captioning:
CC will be available for all sessions. When you enter the Webinar look for the symbol at the bottom and click it on.
I have more questions!
No worries, just email us to: and we will get back to you asap.