Introduction to 3D Final Project


For this final project, I decided to do a 3D model of a sushi platter. I thought it would be fun to play around and make different types of sushi. 

Here are some of the reference images I had:

Sushi Icons Set Japanese Food On Brown Background Vector Illustration Stock Illustration - Download Image Now - iStockPremium Vector | Cartoon sushi set japanese seafood dishes sushi rolls soy sauce ginger and wasabi traditional japanese cuisine flat vector illustration


I started off by making the platter, soy sauce bottle, chopstick holder, chopsticks, and soy sauce dish. The soy sauce bottle took the longest to make because it involved a lot of extruding, adjusting loop cuts, and scaling. One difficulty I encountered was not being able to achieve the desired shape due to the scaling of the loop cuts. However, in the end, I added more loop cuts, which allowed me to adjust and scale the model according to one of my reference images. For the other items above, I mainly used the subdivision surface modifier, loop cuts, bevel, and shade smooth. In order to achieve my desired shape, I played around with scaling, rotation, and positioning. 

I then proceeded to create the sushi and onigiri. To make the sushi, I began with a cube and adjusted its size as needed. Next, I used loop cuts to lift the center of the rice upward, also using proportional editing to soften the curve. I repeated this process for each sushi piece, modifying them slightly to ensure they appeared distinct from one another. 

In the end, I felt that something was missing, so I decided to add texture to my rice, which was smooth initially. I followed a YouTube tutorial to create the texture, which added dimension to the rice in my 3D model. From that tutorial, I learned about Displace, Texture, and Voronoi.

Here are some screenshots of my sushi platter after I added color, with and without lighting. 

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed creating this sushi platter because it allowed me to apply what I’ve learned over the past few weeks and create something I never imagined I could. It was a highly enjoyable process where I could experiment and refine my skills. 


What is Net Art?

Also known as internet art, which is a form of artistic expression that uses digital technologies like algorithms, software, code, websites, bots, and images found online. It’s created, shared, and experienced primarily through the internet, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms and embracing the unique possibilities of digital platforms. The nature of net art is constantly evolving and changing, meaning it doesn’t have a strict aesthetic. It evolves in a constant process and is able to adapt its visual language to technological and social changes.

Yehwan Song

Yehwan Song is a Korean-born, New York-based graphic designer, web designer, and web developer who creates unconventional and diverse internet spaces that foster new interactions between users and devices, including performances. She focuses on critiquing the overgeneralization of users and templated websites by creating non-generic web interfaces and performing with these websites and devices. Therefore, her work spans websites, performances, installations, sculptures, and visualizations, bridging online and physical spaces.

Her goal is to change the way people use websites and the website design industry in general, since it is currently highly mass-produced by large companies. Through her own work, she hopes to break this individual barrier of web design to encourage people to create and be creative instead of adhering to a “template”. 

Here are some of her works below:


Yehwan Song’s work challenges the standardization of web interfaces and online experiences, highlighting the diversity of users and the societal factors influencing digital interactions. Her cultural background has driven her to seek ways to break this isolation for ignored users or cultures, aiming to broaden accessibility. The message is to encourage inclusivity and diversity in web design and the user experience. Her work also illustrates the potential of web design and how it does not have to be confined to a certain aesthetic. 

Yehwan Song values several key features of the web. Firstly, she prioritizes creating inclusive web environments that embrace minority cultures, aiming to break isolation and enhance accessibility. Secondly, she appreciates the flexibility and creativity of coding, especially in visual applications to explore coding’s artistic possibilities. Thirdly, Yehwan values the cultural diversity of the internet, engaging with diverse backgrounds to enrich her understanding of web dynamics and societal structures. 

Yehwan’s work aligns with the concepts taught in CCLab, focusing on creating interactive and visually engaging digital experiences. Her work serves as inspiration, reflecting the spirit of exploration and experimentation encouraged in CCLab. Through her work, we learn about inclusivity in web design, creative coding for artistic expression, community engagement for innovation, user-centered design for the user experience, and the importance of exploration and experimentation for continuous learning and innovation in digital projects.


From a personal point of view, I find Yehwan’s approach and work inspiring, especially her emphasis on inclusivity and challenging the possibilities of web design. Her exploration of creative coding and engagement made me realize the impact of her work.

Reading about Yehwan’s work has encouraged me to think beyond traditional design boundaries, consider diverse user perspectives, and explore creative coding techniques for visual storytelling. For Project B, I aim to think outside the box and embrace experimentation. Drawing inspiration from Yehwan’s work and that of other artists, I will explore innovative approaches to create an  engaging digital experience.


Presentation Slides

Object Dancer: Pink Pom

Concept & Description

For this mini project, I created an object dancer using OOP.  When dancing, there are many different motions so I tried to incorporate them into my object dancer to make it more playful. My object dancer has 5 motions, including the movement of its eyes, mouth, arms, legs and body as a whole. The eyes move back and forth, making it seem like my dancer is looking around. The mouth moves up and down, which can make it look like the dancer is either talking or singing. The arms and legs go up and down, which is the main movement of the dancer. Since the legs are going up and down, it would not be complete if it didn’t bounce, so I added a bounce to make it look like the dancer is jumping up and down. Additionally, I added a hat to give it more character.

GitHib Link


Since I had difficulty coming up with what I wanted my dancer to look like, I kept it simple and focused on the movements. For the constructors, I added this.bounceSpeed to control the speed on my dancers bounce, this.bounceRange to control the range the dancer bounced in, this.mouthY for the vertical position of the mouth, and this.mouthDirection to control the direction of the mouth.

For the update function, I had to update all of the movements, including the movement of the eyes, legs, arms, mouth and position of the dancer. For the majority of them, I used sin and frameCount to have the movement oscillate back and forth. For the mouth, I made sure that this.mouthDirection would switch directions once this.mouseY was either more than 13 or less than 5.


The benefit of my class not relying on any code outside of its own definition is that it becomes a standalone entity that can be used in various parts of my program or even in other programs without causing conflicts or dependencies on external code For example,  when the professor combines everyone’s dancers into the same program, there are no conflicts or issues due to dependencies on external code.

The challenge in writing code that harmonizes with others’ code lies in the diverse coding styles, potentially leading to variables sharing names but serving different purposes. This discrepancy can cause conflicts when integrating code, posing compatibility issues.

Modularity in the dancer class means breaking code into smaller parts for easier management, such as my update and display functions. The update function manages the behaviors and movements, while the display function manages the appearance of my dancer. Reusability refers to using the same code for different dancers with minimal changes. For example, I can create multiple instances of EllenDancer class, each with different bounce speeds, bounce ranges, and more. These instances represent different dancers with distinct characteristics, all using the same code structure defined in my dancer class.

Project A: Blobby’s Wonderland

Ellen Wang,  Blobby’s Wonderland

Short Description:

The amusement park is home to a pink glutenous creature named Blobby. Blobby’s wonderland is where it thrives, showcasing its playful nature, love for bubbles, and unique abilities such as teleportation and color-changing emotions. 


Blobby is a whimsical creature that embodies the spirit of fun and adventure. Discovered in 2024 at an amusement park by a team of adventurous scientists and children, Blobby has charmed many with its playful demeanor and captivating appearance. This project immerses you in Blobby’s world, exploring its habitat, appearance, and key characteristics. From its love for bubbles to its unique abilities like teleportation and color-changing emotions, Blobby’s Wonderland invites everyone to join in the enchantment. Discover the magic of Blobby as you explore its gelatinous world and uncover the mysteries of this unique creature.


Instructions on how to interact with Blobby

Creating bubbles for Blobby!

One of the many expressions of Blobby

Process: Design and Composition

For the design of my project, I knew the vibe and feel I wanted to go for were more on the cartoon and colorful side to give my project a fun and playful vibe. Since I had already created my generative landscape for mini project 4, I was able to use that as a foundation and focus on creating Blobby.

When I was creating Blobby, I originally wanted it to be shaped like an actual blob that had many curves but I realized that it was quite difficult to achieve that shape. While I was searching up images of blobs on the internet, I came across a pudding, and ultimately, I took inspiration from that. To make Blobby more generative, I gave it different expressions so every time my sketch generates, its facial expression is different. 

In my initial draft of Blobby for Interaction Day, I had its arms move according to the movement of the cursor and had the user create bubbles for Blobby. But after feedback from peers, I decided to add more interactions, such as Blobby absorbing the bubbles and growing, as well as having its eyes follow the cursor so it looks like it is looking at the user creating bubbles, giving it more life.

As for the generative background, I wanted to make it more lively, so I decided to animate the clouds, birds, and ferris wheel. The position of the clouds is random so the clouds are in different positions in each sketch, which makes it more interesting. The ferris wheel moves clockwise, which gives the sketch dimension because my original generative background has no movement aside from the balloons. Below are a few screenshots of my generative background.

Process: Technical

When adding interactive features such as changing Blobby’s color, I encountered some technical difficulties because when I clicked on my creature, it wouldn’t change color. To address this issue, I had to abandon the random color change feature for my creature and instead opt to make it change to specific colors based on the number of times the mouse is clicked.

I also had to figure out how to change Blobby’s expression and I realized I could change its expression by using the if and else statement to check the color of Blobby. 

Another difficult part of creating interactions for Blobby was the absorbing bubbles part because, originally, I wanted the bubbles to pop when it was near its mouth but because of scaling and other factors, I was not able to make it look like it was eating it so I just made the bubbles pop when Blobby moved towards it to give it that absorbing effect. Below is the code for Blobby absorbing the bubbles, which is similar to adding bubbles but using splice instead of push bubbles, and also a for loop to loop through the array to find the correct bubble to pop.

Most of my time was spent cleaning up the code and creating functions to ensure that the draw function looked cleaner. For the bird, I drew inspiration from the noise slides posted for CCLab. At first, I made it go in a straight line but I quickly realized it was not very bird-like so adding noise was what made the bird on my sketch more lively. This code is similar to the ones on the slides; I just changed some of the values as well as the shapes so it was a bird instead of an ellipse.

As for the ferris wheel, it was a tedious process as I had to use push, pop, and translate for each of the lines and carts in order for the ferris wheel to rotate. I also used frameCount to rotate the lines and carts, which turned out to be a lifesaver because it is constantly increasing. I also multiplied it by 0.5 so the ferris wheel spins slower. 

Reflection and Future Development

All in all, I feel like I learned a lot from doing this project because I had to apply what I learned in class to my project. Additionally, I could visualize what I wanted my canvas to look like but when it came to coding, it was challenging for me. But if I had an idea that I was not sure how to code, I would look for p5 references or search online to help me further. I like my generative background for my project but one thing I’m not too satisfied with is how Blobby moves. If I had more time to improve, I would definitely improve the movement for Blobby.

For feedback, I received really insightful and constructive feedback from my classmates, Leon, Moon, and Carrot. Carrot suggested that Blobby could interact more with the background, such as going into the ferris wheel or the balloons, which is something I wanted to do but found difficult because I was unsure how to code it. However, this is something I will definitely explore in the future. Additionally, Leon mentioned that it would be better if Blobby only moved on the x-axis, which I also agreed with because Blobby originally only moved on the x-axis. Still, in order for Blobby to eat all the bubbles, I had to make it move on both axes.

If I had the chance to implement my project further, I would continue to explore new ways to enhance Blobby’s interactions and animations with the background to create a more immersive and engaging experience for users. Additionally, instead of using arrow keys to control Blobby, I would most likely make its motion randomized so it could eat bubbles itself.

In the future, I will keep all the feedback I got for this project in mind to improve on my future projects.

Credits & References

Special thanks to Professor Leon for answering any questions I had about the project and for helping me fix my code. I also want to thank Danni for assisting me in figuring out how to make my creature change colors randomly when the mouse is pressed. Additionally, I am grateful to my classmates who gave me suggestions on interaction day, as well as to my friend Queena. They all contributed ideas for interactions I could implement for Blobby, such as eating bubbles and growing in size. Their support and input were invaluable in creating a more engaging and dynamic experience for Blobby’s Wonderland.

I also used resources from CCLAB slides, especially for the noise, it helped me greatly. Additionally, I used to p5 to help me with mapping and splicing

The Renewed Push for a TikTok Ban in the U.S.

On March 5, a group of U.S. lawmakers from both political parties presented a bill proposing that China’s ByteDance be given approximately six months to sell off its widely-used short video platform TikTok or else risk being banned in the United States. This action is intended to alleviate national security concerns arising from China’s ByteDance’s ownership of the app.

Although Tiktok has stated before that it remains separate from its Chinese ownership, various reports still continue to raise concerns about ByteDance abiding by China’s cybersecurity laws and providing U.S. user data to the CCP. 

Despite not being explicitly labeled as a bill aimed at banning TikTok, a company spokesperson commented that “this bill is an outright ban of TikTok, no matter how much the authors try to disguise it.”. Many others held the same opinion, as this proposed legislation threatens the First Amendment rights of 170 million Americans and strips 5 million small businesses of a crucial platform for their growth and jobs. Although the ban will affect millions of Americans and small businesses, this will also affect and increase the tensions between the U.S. and China, as the U.S. has increased sanctions against China, specifically in technology. Concerns about China’s access to semiconductors and its alignment with Russia’s actions in Ukraine may increase the chance of a TikTok ban. Additionally, if the U.S. ultimately decides to ban TikTok, then other western regions will most likely follow in their footsteps and do the same. 

As a response to Tiktok’s potential ban, they took this matter into their own hands and issued a “rallying call to U.S. users in the app, with this pop-up alert appearing in-stream, making it easy for users to call their House representative.” Tiktok used this strategy last year, in March, when the White House voted to give the President the power to ban the app. They are hoping to use the same strategy to mobilize their user community and influence the outcome once again.

With each escalation in the U.S.-China relationship, the likelihood of a TikTok ban grows. Even if Congress fails to ban TikTok this time around, the threat to the app’s survival persists. Any further conflicts between the two nations could impact TikTok, potentially leading to its downfall.

Xiaohongshu’s Drive to Encourage User Spending

Recently, Xiaohongshu has been “talking a big game about its ability to transform into an e-commerce platform,” as they just released their “rise100” list, where it ranks 100 merchants, brand ambassadors, and key opinion leaders that have navigated and found success on their platform based on their growth and other metrics. This shift indicates a strategic focus on e-commerce/commerce for Xiaohongshu, as it places a heavy reliance on advertising revenue, leaving it susceptible to adverse macroeconomic conditions.

Ever since their launch in 2013, Xiaohongshu has faced pressure to make money, as 80% of their revenue comes from advertising and they “shed up to half their implied valuation over 2022.” The platform predominantly attracts urban women in their twenties to early thirties, who utilize it to discover various lifestyle offerings such as restaurants, bars, quality clothing, makeup, and vacation destinations. However, a problem for Xiaohongshu is the reluctance of users to make direct purchases within the app. Despite actively seeking products on Xiaohongshu, users often find themselves redirected to other platforms to complete their purchases, posing a substantial obstacle. To keep users within its “business loop,“  they decided to block links from Taobao, which prevents users from accessing Taobao links that redirect them to Taobao’s merchant page. By restricting access to Taobao links, Xiaohongshu aims to encourage users to remain within its platform, promoting engagement and potentially increasing the likelihood of users making purchases directly through Xiaohongshu’s own ecommerce channels.


Another solution and direction Xiaohongshu has shifted towards is leveraging influencers as brand ambassadors. These influencers promote products from third-party brands and receive a share of the sales revenue. They encourage their followers to use in-app links that lead directly to Xiaohongshu’s checkout, streamlining the purchasing process and keeping users engaged within the platform. This strategy has demonstrated success, as indicated by the increase in the number of merchants on the app and in-app sales, as reported by the company.

To further bolster Xiaohongshu’s efforts to increase traffic and enhance its commercialization efforts, the platform recently collaborated with the ‘Spring Gala Festival,’ gaining over 27 million views and 170 million user interactions. Additionally, Xiaohongshu introduced a new “nearby” feature, streamlining user access to an interactive map showcasing notes, group chats, and live streams related to local food, drink, and entertainment options. This strategic initiative aims to penetrate the local life service sector, currently dominated by Meituan

Universal Music Group pulls their artists’ songs from TikTok

As of February 1st, Universal Music Group’s Songs have been withdrawn from Tiktok as a result of both parties failing to reach an agreement that would best fit their conditions and needs. The termination of the contract, signed back in 2021, is due to Universal’s perception that TikTok is not offering adequate compensation for their artists.“ In the statement UMG released on January 31st, they voiced their concerns about appropriate compensation for their artists and songwriters and protection from the harmful effects of AI for their artists. They emphasized that TikTok tried to pressure them into accepting a deal worth less than their previous one, which they consider below Fair Market Value and not reflective of their significant growth. 

In response to UMG’s statement, Tiktok expressed their disappointment in UMG’s decisions as they put their own greed above the interests of their artists and songwriters and chose to walk away from free promotional and discovery vehicles for their artists’ and songwriters’ talent. They also stated they had been able to reach ‘artist-first’ agreements with other labels and publishers yet, “Universal’s self-serving actions are not in the best interests of artists, songwriters and fans.”


This could potentially have a substantial impact on TikTok, given that music plays a vital role in their app. Content creators, artists, and viewers alike share their passion through music. With the termination of the contract, previous TikToks featuring songs from UMG have been silenced, with a note at the bottom stating, “This sound isn’t available.” This scenario has left numerous creators feeling frustrated, as some of their videos have been muted, resulting in a noticeable decrease in views.

This is not only a big change for TikTok but for UMG as well. Universal is home to some of the world’s most popular music stars including Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Drake, Adele, Post Malone, Lorde and more. These artists had no say in the termination between their company and Tiktok. 

The dispute between Universal Music Group and TikTok is more than just a contractual disagreement; it represents a clash of priorities and values within the music industry. While both parties strive to protect their interests and those of their respective artists, this decision affects both parties. This also serves as a reminder of the significance of relationships between platforms, labels, artists, and fans, and the balance required to sustain a thriving ecosystem in today’s digital world.