- I scheduled my MakerSpace training for a time before my Brooklyn campus class on Thursday!
- UNFORTUNATELY (and this almost feels like a prank at this point) I unexpectedly had to take my dog to the vet and couldn’t make it.
- I read through all the potential projects this semester! Below are the ones I’m interested in:
- Makers making change hackathon in Nov
- Disability Pride Parade
- Improve Usability / Accessibility of Ability Project Physical Space
- I have (simple) ideas on this since it’s a space I’ve used before and continue to use! For example, making the fidget toy box more visible and adding signange that students are free to borrow them during class.
- Ability Project “Gallery” Create sample DIY-Assistive Technologies
- I can work on the website for now, but I am planning on being able to use the 3D printers and already have some assistive devices saved on thingyverse!
- New Skills! – I 100% need to complete MakerSpace training ASAP and will be looking into accessible web design.