Vegetarian over-represented terms

Early vegetarian cookbooks featured recipes containing nuts and new forms of protein foods based on nuts. These ingredients are prominent in this word cloud showing over-represented terms in vegetarian cookbooks when compared to the full set of the Early American Cookbooks collection. Unusual words such as protose, nuttolene, trumese, and terralac (all nut based mixtures to be used instead of meat) appear along with new terms for grain products (granose, granola). Many of these products were invented by John Harvey Kellogg, an early proponent of vegetarianism and the inventor of Corn Flakes cereal.  

Vegetarian over-represented-terms
Vegetarian over-represented terms (Meandre Dunning Log Likelihood to Tagcloud Algorithm)

This visualization was created by comparing two sets of texts,  vegetarian cookbooks and the full Early American Cookbooks collection, using the Meandre Dunning Log-likelihood to Tagcloud algorithm in the HathiTrust Research Center Portal.