Continuing their study on the fascinating properties of the deep-sea glass sponge (Euplectella aspergillum), Professors Giacomo Falcucci (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Harvard University), Giorgio Amati (CINECA, Rome), Pierluigi Fanelli […]
Our COVID-19 modeling paper one of the top cited in Journal of Royal Society Interface
Our paper modeling the effectiveness of different restrictions on the spread of the COVID-19 virus is one of five most cited publications of the Journal of the Royal Society Interface […]
Summer 2023 Undergraduate Research Projects at DSL
The DSL team invites all NYU Undergraduate students interested in gaining hands-on research experience to apply for our summer projects. There are multiple paid opportunities in the areas of mechanical […]
Impulsive hydrodynamic loading of air-backed composite plates: an experimental methodology
Composite materials are widely adopted in the naval industry, due to their high strength and low weight. However, how these materials respond to underwater loads, such as wave pressure and […]
Advances and perspectives in non-smooth dynamics and applications
Switching systems are widespread in nature and engineering applications. Research on these systems has come a long way in the last decades, but there are still many open questions that […]