Why do Americans purchase more firearms after mass shootings? Professor Maurizio Porfiri appeared as a guest on Data Science Conversations podcast and talked about his research ulitizing time series analysis […]
The role of the COVID-19 pandemic in the 2020 U.S. presidential elections
Can a pandemic affect the way people vote? Professors Maurizio Porfiri, Manuel Ruiz Marín, and Pietro De Lellis applied a spatial, information-theoretic approach to analyze how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced […]
NYU Tandon covers research on the effects of waning vaccine immunity
Postdoctoral researcher Agnieszka Truszkowska, with Profs. Maurizio Porfiri, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Alessandro Rizzo, and collaborators Prof. Sachit Butail of Northern Illinois University, Prof. Emanuele Caroppo of Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma 2, […]
Detection of Influential Nodes in Network Dynamical Systems
How can we infer which birds lead a flock without performing experiments, but just from recording their behavior? How can we understand the vulnerable parts of a power grid that […]
Study modeling the safe reopening of U.S. towns on the cover of Advanced Theory and Simulations
The balance between economics and containment measures against COVID-19 has been one of the major, if not the most discussed topics since the start of the pandemic. With vaccinations coming […]