Our paper modeling the effectiveness of different restrictions on the spread of the COVID-19 virus is one of five most cited publications of the Journal of the Royal Society Interface […]
Our image featured as front cover of new Advanced Theory and Simulations
An illustration made by our lab manager Anna Sawulska, Postdoctoral Associate Alain Boldini, and Prof. Maurizio Porfiri has been featured as the front cover of the January issue of Advanced […]
Exploring a COVID-19 endemic scenario: high-resolution agent-based modeling of multiple variants
COVID-19 pandemic has affected our daily lives for over two years. Despite the widespread use of vaccines, there are still questions on how to tackle the development of new variants. […]
Network inference from local measurements in mobile 3D printers
Collective additive manufacturing is a new paradigm for construction, where a team of mobile robots can collectively 3D print large-scale buildings and infrastructure. One of the main issues to solve […]
The impact of deniers on epidemics
In the wake of COVID-19, we have witnessed a spread of misinformation about the virus, which has created groups of deniers of the situation. What can be their effect on […]