A fascinating aspect of fish swimming is the so-called rheotaxis, the ability of fish to orient themselves against the flow. This phenomenon is often associated to multi-sensorial inputs, which are […]
Flow Webinar II – Prof. Porfiri’s talk
In October 2021 Prof. Maurizio Porfiri appearead as a guest speaker at the II edition of Flow Journal’s Webinar series. The recording of his talk, “Modeling zebrafish collective behavior: emergence […]
Modeling zebrafish behavior after caffeine administration
Conducting experiments with live animals poses a series of ethical concerns that have pushed researchers to develop mathematical models of animal behavior that could at least partially reduce the need […]
Detection of Influential Nodes in Network Dynamical Systems
How can we infer which birds lead a flock without performing experiments, but just from recording their behavior? How can we understand the vulnerable parts of a power grid that […]
Publication features
Some of the newer publications of Prof. Porfiri and other members of our Laboratory have been recently distinguished by renown scientific journals: “High-Resolution Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Spreading in […]