Prof. Maurizio Porfiri collaborated with the researchers from Politecnico di Torino in modeling the effectiveness of COVID-19-related restrictions enforced by many governments. The results of their study show that, after […]
Advanced Science News interview
Is prioritizing vaccinations for the most vulnerable enough to fully defeat COVID-19? Prof. Porfiri recently talked to Advanced Science News about the newly-developed platform to simulate the spread of COVID-19 […]
Fast Company covers COVID-19 research
“It’s on us to contain the disease, until we reach a good amount of vaccines” Prof. Porfiri and Prof. Rizzo talked about the latest study on COVID-19 to Fast Company. […]
New York Post covers research on COVID-19
Can we give up social distancing and masks before we reach herd immunity? Prof. Maurizio Porfiri spoke to the New York Post about the latest collaborative research modeling the spread […]
Interview with Prof. Porfiri about COVID-19 research
Prof. Porfiri was recently interviewed about DSL’s COVID-19 spread research by NorthEast BigData Hub website. Click here to read the interview!