Nature of Code

Cannon Commander

📌 Assignment Create a simulation where objects are shot out of a cannon. Each object should experience a sudden force when shot (just once) as well as gravity (always present). Add rotation to the object to model its spin as its shot from the cannon. How realistic can you make it look? ✍️ Process I […]

Nature of Code

Balloons Bonanza

📌 Assignment Develop a sketch with motion driven by forces (vectors). ✍️ Process I began this project by watching the first two videos listed on the module page (Simulating Forces: Gravity and Wind and Mass and Acceleration). Both of these really helped in furthering my understanding of the concepts covered in class and were extremely […]

Nature of Code

Clean the Floor!

📌 Assignment Find any sketch you previously created in p5.js with separate x,y variables for elements on the sketch. Can you rewrite the sketch with createVector() for each of these pairs?  ✍️ Process This week, I started my process by reading through the textbook chapter on vectors and following along with the examples. I remember back in the Fall […]

Nature of Code

Grow a Wheat Field

📌 Assignment Using the random walker as a model, develop a sketch that experiments with motion. ✍️ Process For this week’s assignment, I began by just playing around with the random walker base code that we were given. I tried changing the stroke weights, stroke colors, and the step amount. This was all well and […]