Post 8: Safe Zone and Faith Zone reflections and questions

My initial questions for this field trip were along the lines of: In what ways does NYU foster a safe environment for the LGBTQ community? How as it progressed, and how much more do we still need to progress? (I know that progression is an ever-lasting process I just thought this question would merit a good answer). For the Faith Zone I was curious as to what the percentage of students from various faiths is for NYU and if NYU does enough to be inclusive and welcoming. 

I learned so much at these two discussions. For starters, I learned a lot of vocabulary. But I think the most important thing I learned and my biggest take away was when I asked, “how do I help someone who comes out to me? I don’t always know what to do.” and the answer was, “sometimes people just need to be listened to, not told where to go and how to take on this important step in their life” This was really eye-opening to me because as much as I do listen to people I guess I just didn’t really think about what being heard can do for someone. 

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