Journal Assignments

For all journal assignments listed below, please use the following guidelines unless otherwise specified:

  • Assignments should be 2-3pp in length.  The format is the usual: double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman or a similar font.
  • You must actually GO to South Williamsburg to perform the work in the assignment.  These journal assignments are your fieldwork and will not only help you with your final assignments for the course, but with the interviews you conduct with Los Sures residents.
  • Keep track of the addresses, blocks, and regions you are visiting and share them in your write-up.  We may want to use those addresses later!
  • Write down any questions you develop that you may want to ask me, your classmates, or our collaborators at Los Sures.
  • Feel free to take photos and share them with the class!  You can also tag them if you are using Instagram: #displacedhistories and #nyu lossures
  • Use the map pasted below to familiarize yourself with the boundaries we are using to define “South Williamsburg” or, more precisely, “Los Sures.”

Journal Assignment #1

Journal Assignment #2

Journal Assignment #3 (This is your CITI Training Module)

Journal Assignment #4 (This is your transcript)

Journal Assignment #5

Map of Williamsburg, Brooklyn's community-based organizations

(Downloadable map, courtesy Columbia University and BKMag.)