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- Guidelines for a Successful Oral History Interview
- Interview Release Form
- Some sample questions you might ask:
- What is it like for your neighborhood to be a destination?
- Tell me about the groups in your neighborhood who were anti-gentrification.
- How did you use public space, like streets, when you were growing up?
- What were the big turning points in the neighborhood’s history?
- How did you have fun when you were growing up?
- How have you seen businesses in the neighborhood change?
- What are the major changes you’ve seen on your block?
- Describe the demography of the neighborhood.
- Compare your childhood to that of your children. How is it different or similar?
- How do your family and ethnic heritage influence your life and life choices?
- Omeka Handout: Omeka-Up-and-Running-Displayed-Histories
- Icons To Use To Designate a “Recording” and a “Transcript” (Copy and paste these onto your desktop, then upload them along with your interview recording and transcript when you add to Omeka):
- Fields We Will Be Using in Dublin Core (When You Add Items to the Omeka Archive):
- Title
- Subject
- Description
- Creator (i.e., author, artist, speaker, etc.)
- Date:
- Contributor (i.e., you)
- Rights
- Note: Add Publisher if the source is published.