02.24 – Sick and Tender Monday
Sini Anderson and Amy Berkowitz in Conversation on Chronic Illness
239 Greene Street, 8th Floor Commons, 6:30 to 8:30 (access via 18 Washington Place)
Sini Anderson’s forthcoming documentary So Sick shines light on the late-stage Lyme epidemic, while Amy Berkowitz’sTender Points explores connections between chronic pain and sexual violence. The two artists will engage in a broader conversation about invisible illness, medical sexism and making art on crip time with moderator Mara Mills and discussant Emily Lim Rogers.Presented by the Colloquium for Unpopular Culture and CDS. Co-sponsors: NYU Dept. of Media, Culture, and Communication; NYU Dept. of English. RSVP/access requests/info: disabilitystudies.nyu.edu/events. Or email emily.rogers@nyu.edu.
03.12 – Book Talk: Ralph Savarese Thursday
Reading Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony with Autist Jamie Burke
239 Greene Street, 8th Floor Commons, 4pm to 6pm (access via 18 Washington Place)
Dr. Ralph Savarese (Grinnell College) will discuss his book, See it Feelingly: Classic Novels, Autistic Readers and the Schooling of a No-Good English Professor (2018). Followed by discussion with Dr. Kristie Patten Koenig (NYU Steinhardt).Co-sponsors: NYU Dept. of Media, Culture, and Communication; Dept. of English; Dept. of Occupational Therapy. RSVP/access requests/info: disabilitystudies.nyu.edu/events. Or email emily.rogers@nyu.edu.
04.03 – Code of the Freaks Friday
(Salome Chasnoff, 2019, 68 min) SCREENING + DISCUSSION
19 University Place, First floor theater (102), 4pm to 6pm
Disability activists offer blistering critiques of Hollywood representations of disability over the last century. Post-screening discussion with director Salome Chasnoff and disability activist Lawrence Carter-Long.In collaboration with ReelAbilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival. Tkts at www.reelabilities.org. Co-sponsors: NYU Center for Media, Culture & History; NYU Cinema Studies; NYU Disability Student Union. RSVP/access requests/info: disabilitystudies.nyu.edu/events. Or email emily.rogers@nyu.edu.
04.23 – Perfectly Normal for Me Thursday
(Catherine Tambini, 2018, 50 min) SCREENING + DISCUSSION
Disabled kids’ lives are changed by an inclusive dance program. Post-screening discussion with director Catherine Tambini, producer Elizabeth Hemmerdinger, and dancers/protagonists Veronica Siaba and Kathleen Downes.Co-sponsors: The Center for Ballet and the Arts at NYU; the NYU Center for Media, Culture, & History. RSVP/access requests/info: disabilitystudies.nyu.edu/events. Or email emily.rogers@nyu.edu.
04.30 – Book Talk: Nadina LaSpina Thursday 
Such a Pretty Girl (2019)
20 Cooper Square, 2nd floor event space, 5pm to 7pm.
239 Greene Street, 8th Floor Commons, 4pm to 6pm (access via 18 Washington Place)
NYC disability rights activist Nadina LaSpina will read from her powerful memoir, which wrestles with issues of pity, ableism, and sexuality. Followed by discussion with disability rights activist Simi Linton and Jessie Male (NYU Gallatin).Co-sponsors: NYU Dept. of Media, Culture, and Communication; the Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality at NYU. RSVP/access requests/info: disabilitystudies.nyu.edu/events. Or email emily.rogers@nyu.edu.
05.01 – Touch This Page Friday
EXHIBITION on view for the Spring 2020 semester.
CLOSING RECEPTION 4pm to 5:30pm on 5/1.“Touch This Page! Making Sense of the Ways We Read” is an exhibition about multisensory experiences of reading. Its central objects are 3D replicas from historical books for blind and low-vision readers printed between 1830 and 1910. Join CDS, NYU Libraries, and co-curators Sari Altschuler and David Weimer for a tour of the exhibit, followed by a closing reception.Co-sponsor: NYU Libraries. Bern Dibner Library, NYU Tandon (5 MetroTech Center). RSVP/access requests/info: disabilitystudies.nyu.edu/events. Or email emily.rogers@nyu.edu.