NYU Tisch School of the Arts (TISCH)

Tisch has been working with DIA to promote accessibility awareness throughout its scholarly and professional network. Their initiatives have included:

  • Redesigning the Tisch website and content to promote inclusion and accessibility.
  • Working with Center for Disability Studies co-chair Faye Ginsburg to provide audio-description support for blind or low-vision audience members attending film screenings held at TSOA.

Additionally, Tisch conducted a survey of faculty, staff and students to evaluate their confidence with accessibility best practice. The following areas were identified for attention in the coming year:

  • Training on general principles of accessibility in-person, in-classroom and in related training settings.
  • Training to make PDFs accessible.
  • Training on captioning video.
  • Training on making social media content accessible.

Tisch also seeks to promote greater access to ASL interpreters and CART services for their live public events in the coming year.

MAGE DESCRIPTION: On the left, Dr. Simi Linton, a white woman in a wheelchair with curly hair adjusts her glasses, smiling. On the right, Dr. Kevin Gotkin, a bearded white man laughs, mid-finger- snap. Simi and Kevin are co-directors of the Disability Arts/NYC, affiliated with the NYU Center for Disability Studies, which sponsored this 2018 event where they discussed their work developing disability arts in the city, co-sponsored by the Departments of Performance Studies, Art and Public Policy and the Hemispheric Institute of Politics and Performance.
MAGE DESCRIPTION: On the left, Dr. Simi Linton, a white woman in a wheelchair with curly hair adjusts her glasses, smiling. On the right, Dr. Kevin Gotkin, a bearded white man laughs, mid-finger- snap. Simi and Kevin are co-directors of the Disability Arts/NYC, affiliated with the NYU Center for Disability Studies, which sponsored this 2018 event where they discussed their work developing disability arts in the city, co-sponsored by the Departments of Performance Studies, Art and Public Policy and the Hemispheric Institute of Politics and Performance.