NYU Campus Media

Following recommendations from DIA, Campus Media installed adjustable height instructor’s tables in three classrooms to assist faculty who use wheelchairs or for other reasons cannot access the standard podiums. These features provide the faculty with a table from which they can use a computer and control the AV media in the classroom from one location while remaining seated or standing during class. All controls for technology are controlled from the computer monitor.

The accessible table design was based on instructor tables adopted by the University of Pennsylvania for their classrooms and was endorsed by the working group. We surveyed faculty who used the tables after the fall 2017 and spring 2018 semesters and feedback was very positive. We received feedback from disabled faculty and other faculty who appreciated the option of standing or sitting while teaching. The Registrar was able to assign these classrooms to faculty who identified as physically challenged.

NYU Campus Media thank Facilities Management for their assistance and involvement in getting power and data installed for these tables, and aims to add adjustable instructor’s tables to several more classrooms in the future.

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The photo shows an electrically powered adjustable height table set up for use in an NYU lecture hall. The set up includes a computer, wireless and wired keyboard, microphone, large computer monitor on an adjustable arm which also serves as the interface to an integrated Crestron media control system which is incorporated in the computer/monitor.
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The photo shows an electrically powered adjustable height table set up for use in an NYU lecture hall. The set up includes a computer, wireless and wired keyboard, microphone, large computer monitor on an adjustable arm which also serves as the interface to an integrated Crestron media control system which is incorporated in the computer/monitor.