Leadership and Political Accountability


“Does Unbundling Policy Authority Increase Accountability?” (with Patrick Le Bihan). Journal of Politics, 80 (3), 2018. Supplemental Appendix.

Coercive Leadership” (with Scott A. Tyson). American Journal of Political Science, 61 (3), 2017. Supplemental appendix.

Political Accountability and Sequential Policymaking” (with Ethan Bueno de Mesquita). Journal of Public Economics 132 (12), 2015. Supplemental Appendix.

Social Identity and Electoral Accountability” (with Dominik Duell). American Journal of Political Science 59 (3), 2015. Supplemental appendix.

“Do the Advantages of Incumbency Advantage Incumbents?” (with Sanford Godon). Journal of Politics, 71 (4), 2009. Supplemental appendix.

“Voter Responses to Challenger Opportunity Costs” (with Sanford Gordon and Gregory Huber). Electoral Studies 28 (1), 2009.

“Challenger Entry and Voter Learning” (with Sanford Gordon and Gregory Huber). American Political Science Review 101(2), 2007.


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