“National Conflict in a Federal System” (with Sanford Gordon). Journal of Politics, forthcoming. Supplemental appendix.
“Polarizing Policies vs. Polarized Preferences” (with Sanford Gordon). Public Choice, 176 (1), 2018.
“Common Problems (or, What’s Missing from the Conventional Wisdom on Polarization and Gridlock)” (with Sanford Gordon). Journal of Politics, 79 (4), 2017.
“Public Goods in Federal Systems” (with Catherine Hafer). Quarterly Journal of Political Science 2 (3), 2007.
“Consumption or Investment: On Motivations for Political Giving” (with Sanford Gordon and Catherine Hafer). Journal of Politics, 69 (4), 2007. Supplemental appendix.
“Inequality, Growth, and Democracy” (with Ethan Kapstein). World Politics 53 (1), 2001.
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