
Evaluation Form

Accessibility: iFrame includes title attribute to improve accessibility.


Post for Field Trip Announcement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis augue eros, luctus ut molestie vitae, bibendum mollis felis. Integer aliquam vitae ante vitae suscipit. Cras a elementum urna. Nulla a nisi et dolor consectetur placerat sit amet mattis tortor. Phasellus tristique odio non facilisis tristique. Ut tincidunt tincidunt eros, ac pretium leo pharetra nec. Morbi condimentum nec metus a auctor. Duis ac augue rutrum, ultricies odio ut, varius ex. Nunc in mauris non urna eleifend sagittis. Curabitur ac volutpat dui, vitae placerat ante. Integer gravida non arcu ac aliquet. Cras lectus augue, pretium non efficitur ac, venenatis nec ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec nec arcu nec velit fringilla rhoncus. Aenean dui mi, imperdiet non ultrices quis, volutpat vitae ante.

Accessibility: This post contains an iframe title.


Post with NYU Stream playlist


  • The videos on the playlist have captions
  • The stream iframe embed features a title attribute.

Post with YouTube


Post with Vimeo

The Vimeo video iframe embed contains a descriptive title attribute.


Post with a table

This is a table with 3 columns, 1 header row, and 4 standard rows. The data displayed in the table is generated randomly using Lorem Ipsum generator.
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Vestibulum tortor risus Fermentum quis varius sollicitudin Sodales nec turpis
Maecenas interdum rutrum ante In placerat nunc aliquet quis Donec euismod efficitur elit
Phasellus neque purus Imperdiet a tortor finibus Tincidunt finibus massa
Aenean porttitor felis non elit blandit At pharetra ligula interdum Nulla facilisi


  • The table contains tabular data and is not used as a layout for design purposes.
Assignment 3 Uncategorized

Post With Images

Images Aligned to the Left

Young thoughtful man using a laptop. Idea concept
Young thoughtful man using a laptop. Idea concept

This is an example of a Web Publishing post that leverages images, you could edit this to put information about yourself, your research or your course so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share, categorize, and organize your information.

Images Aligned to the Right

man and woman working on their computers. the view from the top. two laptops, two persons.
man and woman working on their computers. the view from the top. two laptops, two persons.

This is an example of a Web Publishing post that leverages images, you could edit this to put information about yourself, your research or your course so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share, categorize, and organize your information.

Image Centered

This is an example of a Web Publishing post that leverages images, you could edit this to put information about yourself, your research or your course so readers know where you are coming from.

Computer Laptop Drawing Working Desk Concept
Computer Laptop Drawing Working Desk Concept

You can create as many posts as you like in order to share, categorize, and organize your information.