Social Theory

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Reference, Bibiolographies and links to sources.

Social Critic … Review

Global Social Theory

History of Economic Thought Page — New School

Adam Smith, Biog1Biog2

Modern History Sourcebook: Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations, 1776

Wealth of Nations

John Stuart Mill, The Principles of Political Economy

David Ricardo, History Sourcebook: David Ricardo: The Iron Law of Wages 

The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Collected Works (

MARX to Mao The Collections:

Max Weber Studies (Journal)

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (NYU e-book)

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy begin the Weber entry thus: Arguably the foremost social theorist of the twentieth century, Max Weber is known as a principal architect of modern social science along with Karl Marx and Emil Durkheim.

Steve Hoenisch, “Max Weber’s View Of Objectivity In Social Science,” on

Sam Whimster, Understanding Weber, (NYU ebook 2007)

Rosa Luxemburg: The internet archive (, The Internet Archive (of work on Rosa Luxemburg)

Emile Durkheim

The Durkheim Pages .. UChicago.

Critical summaries (in English) of each of Durkheim’s four major works:

Chinmayee Mishra and NavaneetaRath, “Social solidarity during a pandemic: Through and beyond Durkheimian Lens,” Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2, 1, 2020. (PDF online)

Thorstein Veblen page

The Theory of the Leisure Class, Dover Publications, 1994. (NYU e-book) Open access Gutenberg e-book.

Chapter 7: Dress as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture

The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and His Followers,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, volume 20, 1906.

The system of doctrines worked out by Marx is characterized by a certain boldness of conception and a great logical consistency. Taken in detail, the constituent elements of the system are neither novel nor iconoclastic, nor does Marx at any point claim to have discovered previously hidden facts or to have invented recondite formulations of facts already known; but the system as a whole has an air of originality and initiative such as is rarely met with among the sciences that deal with any phase of human culture…….

John Battaile Hall & Manuel Ramon de Souza Luz (2020), “Thorstein Veblen as Evolutionary Feminist Economist of the Progressive Era,” Journal of Economic Issues, 54:2, 413-419. 

Antonio Gramsci Page in

Gramsci : Space, Nature, Politics, edited by Michael Ekers, et al., John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2012. (NYU ebook).

Gramsci and Subalternity, in Global Social Theory

El Habib Louai, “Retracing the concept of the subaltern from Gramsci to Spivak: Historical developments and new applications.”  African Journal of History and Culture (AJHC),  4 , 1, 4-8, January 2012.  


Feminist theory 

Manisha Desai, Transnational and Global Feminisms

Joan Wallach Scott, Gender and the Politics of History, Columbia University Press, 2018. Joan Scott,  “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis,” The American Historical Review, 91, 5, 1986, 1053-1075.

Clyde Plumauzille, “Joan Scott’s Critical History of Inequality, Institute for Advanced Study, 2014.

Pierre Bourdieu on Social Capital

Michele Foucault

Michel Foucault, Info has lots of info and links to his work, and begins by claiming that he “… is the most cited researcher across all fields.”

Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1979)

Open Library

Lisa Downing, The Cambridge Introduction to Michel Foucault . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Fernand Braudel

see Geoffrey  Symcox, et al. Braudel Revisited : The Mediterranean World 1600-1800, University of Toronto Press, 2010. (NYU ebook) and Trevor-Roper, H. R. “Fernand Braudel, the Annales, and the Mediterranean,” The Journal of Modern History, 44, 4, 1972, 468–79. 

Karl Polanyi. The Karl Polanyi Archive.

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time (1994) … this edition with introduction by Joseph Stiglitz and introduction by Fred Block, Boston, Beacon Press, 2001.



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