Week 5: Cinema 4D Exercise

My Exercise:  Exercise Reflection:  My experience with the tutorial was overall not that satisfactory. I found that the two-hour exercise was not fit for beginner creators like me. I had to learn about all of the other controls and features on my own in other tutorials or online forums. The video was too fast-paced, and… Read more Week 5: Cinema 4D Exercise

Project 1: Reflection

Google Slides Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zOSc_ZYksz5ZaOCgRIJbWjNCd7yMuHzlGkjDw_vEXws/edit?usp=sharing Part 1:  My group members, Steve, Echo, Layla and I chose to research deeper into the category of toys for real-life work. After a group discussion about our main concepts from the 4 readings, we each went on to our own separate toys from the large selection of real-life work. I… Read more Project 1: Reflection