Challenge 1 – Part 1: Design Basics

FrisGo In the sport Ultimate Frisbee, both new players and experienced players encounter inefficiency of practicing due to inability of seeing the postures and lack of real-time physical condition acknowledgment. Coaches are also facing issues of the inability of personalized attention on the individual player. Tackling these issues, the new app is called FrisGo, an Continue reading Challenge 1 – Part 1: Design Basics

Reading/Video Response 1 – Design & Symbolism

McDonald’s logo One of the most iconic and symbolic icons that jump into my mind is McDonald’s logo. During my internship last summer, I touched upon some UI designs for McDonald’s Chinese apps. The vibrant yellow and red, and the golden arches in the shape of “M” which looks like two French fries have become Continue reading Reading/Video Response 1 – Design & Symbolism

Visual Metaphor Proposal

  Project Title: ME / me Team Members: Isabel Yang, Crystal Zhang, Eva He Concept | Storyline:        1). Who are you going to interview? Or What is the piece (article, poem, story) for the narrative voice over?   We base our narrative on our personal experiences.        2). What’s the story about?   The story is about the Continue reading Visual Metaphor Proposal

Recitation 8: Serial Communication

In this recitation, we explored further the serial communication between Arduino and Processing. Exercise 1: Make a Processing Etch-A-Sketch In this exercise, we were going to create Etch-A-Sketch using two potentiometers – each controls the x and y-axis of the drawing. I started with creating a circle that continuously drew out through mapping the values Continue reading Recitation 8: Serial Communication