
Recitation 3: Sensors

In this recitation, my partner and I created circuits with a new sensor, an ultrasonic ranger. Without the given schematics and instructions to follow, we successfully created two functioning circuits and discovered the fun of writing codes.  Question 1: What did you intend to assemble in the recitation exercise? If your sensor/actuator combination were to be Continue reading Recitation 3: Sensors

Recitation 2: Arduino Basics

In our second recitation, we received our own Arduino and soldering tool kit; then, we had an individual hands-on exploration with Arduino. We had our first experience connecting some relatively more complex circuits and had a glimpse of the joy of working with electricity and Arduino.  Circuit 1: Fade In this circuit, the Arduino coding Continue reading Recitation 2: Arduino Basics

Recitation 1: Electronics & Soldering

The first Interaction Lab recitation started with the introduction to the basics of identifying components, connecting electric circuits, and soldering. We used the materials shown on the picture below: Circuit 1: Door Bell The aim of this circuit is to make the speaker makes noise when pushing the button switch. Components: 12 volt power supply: Continue reading Recitation 1: Electronics & Soldering