
Recitation 8: Serial Communication

In this recitation, we explored further the serial communication between Arduino and Processing. Exercise 1: Make a Processing Etch-A-Sketch In this exercise, we were going to create Etch-A-Sketch using two potentiometers – each controls the x and y-axis of the drawing. I started with creating a circle that continuously drew out through mapping the values Continue reading Recitation 8: Serial Communication

Recitation 5: Processing Basics

Step 1: My Motif I chose Josef Albers’s “Homage to the Square: Apparition” to be my motif because the image is peaceful and calm. The color palette is desaturated, creating a very appealing visual effect. The repeatedly used rectangles form a symmetrical composition which makes the work very stable and still. Adding on the color, the balance Continue reading Recitation 5: Processing Basics

Recitation 4: Drawing Machine

In this recitation, my partner and I learned to use H-Bridge and stepper motors while creating a drawing machine. Following the instructions, we finished the process in three steps: building the hardware circuit, controlling the rotation of the drawing machine with a potentiometer, and finally building a drawing machine.  New Components: 42STH33-0404AC stepper motor – Continue reading Recitation 4: Drawing Machine