Dieter Rams 10 Principles of Good Design

Stark vs. Dyson




Creativity comes from

Management of concentration – a lifestyle of living like a monk.

  1. His own ideas 
  2. Ideas to solve a problem
  1. Own irritation and personal problems
  2. Innovation in the ways of:
    1. Adaptation from other products that are seen when(cycling on the roof that collects dust without blocking)
    2. Technology 

Purpose of design

  1. Make the life of the people we love and respect better. He focuses on a more exclusive and smaller group of people. But he tends to emphasize personal earnestness and passion.
  2. Stark particularly mentioned that he has the obligation to serve the community. He wants to make things that deserve to exist. 

Make life better in a larger scope. This is different from Stark’s more narrow target of design. 

Design Process

Stark explained he would print the idea of the product, and check idea if it is valuable and if it works. His language is quite vague, but I assume 

Dyson design through the process of innovation. He understands the process of innovation is by iteration – through creating a lot of prototypes and testing the products.

Psychological function vs. practical function

Psychological function > practical function

While fulfilling the practical function, Stark focuses more on the exploration of psychological functions. Some of the functions in his products are not for practical usage. Instead, they create a sense of curiosity about the customs through the discrete designs. They deliver a certain meaning and start communication.

Psychological function < practical function

Dyson’s product focuses more on the practical function while achieving the necessary psychological aspects. The buttons and the ways of using the products are designed considering human psychology. Yet, they are designed for the purpose of understandability, which I think is still practically functional. 

Stark & Dyson in Dieter Rams 10 Principles of Good Design

My Ikea Lamp In Dieter Rams 10 Principles of Good Design

My Ikea Lamp

I have identified Ram’s principles encompassed in my Ikea lamp:

the Anglepoise 1227 Lamp
  1. INNOVATIVE – this lamp is an iterated version of the classic design – the Anglepoise 1227 Lamp. However, Ikea’s lamp reduces the two springs at the base into a supporting metal bar, fixing the adjustable joints. Also, it adds a metal bar by the lampshade to avoid heat. This detail also makes the adjusting process easier.
  2. USEFUL – I think this lamp is the most useful one among all the lamps I used. Since I have a large desk, I need an adjustable lamp to alter the direction of the lighting.  The direction of the lighting can be freely adjusted in this lamp. 
  3. AESTHETIC – I think this design is very aesthetically appealing. The design is minimal and clean. It fits the overall color tone of my room as well. 
  4. LONG-LASTING – I have been using this lamp for more than three years. I have changed the light bulbs a few times, but the overall lamp still looks like it is newly bought. The function did not decay through time at all. 
  5. DESIGNED DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL – the joints of my lamp can be easily adjusted with a coin. The overall design is not arbitrary at all.
The joint of my lamp

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